REL Vs SVS for 2 channel music listening

I have Zu Omen Defs connected to a NuForce STA200 (class a/b) amp. REL has suggested a T9/i

SVS has a cheaper SB-2000 which seems to be closer for half the price

I've read numerous places that REL is way overpriced and SVS is great for music. I am aware of Zu's subs...would like to keep the price under a grand if possible. 

wolf_garcia - You know, come to think of it, I now need to shave twice a day and can now dunk a basketball. 😉
@chisaz  Don't forget the mouthwash! : )

+1 on you post! Enjoyable read, to boot.

I’ve been missing out, a lot.

Try an REL, you’ll be shocked (in a good way).

Since I started this thread, I have moved to a dedicated listening room with room treatments and bass traps. I'm still using the Antmode to calibrate my sb2000 sub (still only one). I'm thinking of moving up to a pair of sb3000's. The newer SVS has calibraion apps, I'm not certain if the SVS calibration would better my current AntiMode.