Appreciate Some Dac Advice

Looking at improving on my main DAC which is currently at Krell Digital Vanguard.

My systems...

Windows 10 system running Logitech Media Server 8.2 connected to Synology DS920+ NAS where flac and dsf files are stores. Significant portion is either 96 mHz flac files from blu ray audio, 96mHz and 48 mHz files from DVDs or dsf files from SACDs. Other than that, have Tidal and use the LMS Tidal plugin.

Main system: picorePlayer 8 on Raspberry Pi 4 with Hifiberry Digi2 Pro > Coax > Krell Digital Vanguard > Dynaudio Focus 360

Outside System: picorePlayer 8 on Raspberry Pi 4 > USB > Cambridge Audio Dacmagic 200m > NAD C325BEE > Definitive Technology AW6500

Home Theater: picorePlayer 8 on Raspberry Pi 4 with Hifiberry Digi2 Pro > Coax > Denon AVP A1HDCI > Dynaudio Focus 220 MK II

Everything is played using Squeeze Ctrl on my phone.

Mainly listen to main system and outdoor system.

Looking to improve on the sound in main system. Think I will not see significant improvement with the outdoor one unless I want to upgrade speakers and Amp. But, don't think you can do much better than AW6500's for outdoors (open to hearing other options).

So, been looking at the Chord Qutest and RME ADI-2 DAC FS as possible options to improve on the sound over the Krell. Also had looked at Ifi Pro iDSD. Haven't auditioned any. Just a lot of research. Prefer a ceiling at $2K. While, I don't mind tinkering, prefer set it an forget it. Which had me thinking about Chord Qutest. I would like DSD as I have a significant SACD collection. However, not hung up on native DSD and DOP and PCM are okay.

Thank you for yous thoughts and help.


I would suggest trying ifi zen streamer to your Krell dac first. That strikes me as your weak link. Comes with silent PS and can stream Tidal connect, which pulls direct from the cloud and uses the phone as a remote. I would think your Krell would provide guidance as to the preferred method of how to connect to a digital device (USB or SPDIF).

I have been doing A/B comparisons of the X26 and Pontus II for the past week.  They are very close.  In my system they are effectively identical with a USB connection to my Raspberry Pi endpoint running Roon/Qobuz.  The Pontus II is better when you use the Denafrips Iris DDC in between the Raspberry Pi and the DAC.  That may just be that the Pontus can connect to the Iris over I2S while the X26 pinouts are incompatible with the Iris I2s so you have to use AES, Coax or Toslink.  But even when the Pontus II is better it is a fairly small difference that you mostly hear on the decay of something like a gong or acoustic guitar.  


top candidates in my view (used, 2k or near abouts, or under)

dena pontus (as mentioned) - well balanced presentation, nice resolution, big soundstage, warm mids and bass, slight ss grain

soekris 1541/2541 - very similar to pontus, a bit more forward treble, slightly smoother mids, useful variable output

doge 7 - great smoothness and effortlessness, nice warmth, slightly tubey character, slightly softer bass, useful variable output

audio mirror tubadour - touch warmer than doge, further touch slower, more romantic, bloomy bass, slight treble grain

mhdt orchid/stockholm/istanbul - rich flowing smooth sound natural detail (sound varies with tube used in buffer stage), modded versions add outstanding bass impact

chord qutest - other side of spectrum - clean crystal clear sound, terrific soundstage, fast and lean, but minimal ss grain

schiit yggy - similar to pontus/doge but more forward treble, touch of grain/sibilance

hope that helps