Ideas on speaker like Magnepan but with high WAF

I'm looking for speakers that throw a big sound stage, great imaging and do all the things Maggies do but aren't the size of a door (actually two).

A speaker set up that would provide the 3d sound I'm after for around $2k without visually dominating the room. Floorstander or stand mounted.

Suggestions on non-planar speakers that come close in sound or better?
I am using Analysis Audio, and they really sounds great. Smaller and more stylish that the 20.7, but as good as them!

That was great post explaining the micro detail of how you achieve from good to great sound quality. I have no hesitation in fully endorsing your tweak as I have had the pleasure of listening from my own ears.
I moved from Magnepan to OHM Walsh and sound improved in every way in addition to WAF. Maggies sound best well out into a room away from rear wall usually. OHMs are designed to go much closer.
Planars tend to sound like planars (and non-planars IME do not) so the EmTechs, Logans and and Apogees already recommended probably hit the "sound like Maggie" part of your request best, but also might miss on the WAF. However, if small planars appeal, you might try the small Maggie MMG and hide a sub (or two) behind the sofa/tv/etc and see if you can sneak that past the boss.

I'd also agree that omnis might appeal on the sonics to a planar lover (I own - and like - both MMGs and Ohm 100s), but I'm not sure that Ohm is winning too many WAF contests these days. I've never heard 'em, but the Dec ERR omni is a design that barks up the Ohm tree, but in a slicker looking cabinet.

Good Luck

Great comments.

I've had the Decware Radial in mind for a while. Anyone actually heard it and thoughts on how it compares to Magnepan speakers?