Room Treaments - Where To Begin...

Hi All: I have read countless comments that the best thing you can do to improve the listening experience is to acoustically treat the room. But where does one gain the expertise to do so? There are so many products/options out there. I have no clue where to begin (or if I even need to do it)... Thanks!


  Now wouldn't that be a cool job and quite a challenge. "What? I didn't hear anything."

Recently, I found this PDF available for free download. There are newer editions available.

THE MASTER HANDBOOK OF ACOUSTICS 4th Edition by F. Alton Everest


That is a serious book. Good Lord. 10 pages of table of content.

My hole booklet about acoustics was 10 pages long, WITH a table of content and one "this page is intended to be blank".

That guy had something to say.. :-)


Don't judge a book by its cover. The cover says, "Acoustics hard. Use headphones."

I used GIK. Very good people to work with. I have a 12 by 21 room. Cost about 1200.. they are 6 to 8 inches thick. I could buy more bass traps but haven’t put up on my list. I can walk around the room and the music sounds good with only a little bass peak in a corner.There are many things that come to play., sub placement and speaker placement are two items that need to be dealt with.

Recently, I put speakers and subs on springs. This helped as much as the room treatments.  It is much easier when it is a dedicated room.