I completely understand what you are talking about, but just to be clear The Truth is not a passive preamp, it is an active preamp with no gain. About 6 months ago I sold my (2) Power Sound Audio V1801’s subwoofers and ain’t nobody more of a bass head than me.
I just decided to go a different route and power my system with a stand alone set of main speakers and an amplifier with out the need of subs powered by inboard amplifiers that don’t match the main amplifier in clarity and quality of sound. Kinda like going back to the old school approach but with new school highly efficient speakers, amp and front end(s).
And to be perfectly honest with you, I loved the sound of my PSA subs, I just got tired of moving around two small refrigerators every time I wanted to fine tune my room and system!😊
You are right though, The Truth and outboard subwoofers may not be best matched. Finding a good preamp to match a particular system is not easy. I appreciate your thread and look forward to your choice(s).