Tidal holiday trial offer

I didn't see anyone mention this anywhere so just thought I'd pass it along to anyone interested -- 3 months of HiFi Plus for $2.

Holiday 2021 | TIDAL

Ag insider logo xs@2xyowser

Or thru Best Buy website,  1 year Tidal best HiFi subscription for half price.

I purchased the half price subscription through Best Buy last year. Worked without issue. It's a good deal if you plan to use Tidal.

Ultimately, for me, I didn't love Tidal and now I have to insure it isn't going to auto-renew. Once I get confirmation that it is not going to renew, I'm going to give Qobuz a trial.

Right now, I stream mostly Radio Paradise and Spotify because I really like to catalog and user interface for both.

Not interested! I wouldn’t subscribe to Tidal again even at 2 bucks per month forever. User interface sucked, and the MQA BS is a total sham that limits your choice of DACs and hamstrings manufacturers to include it for no reason other than driving profits for a mostly unnecessary proprietary technology that’ll soon be completely useless once 5G more fully rolls out (probably why they’re trying to suck people in now before they realize Tidal sucks). Qobuz sounds great and has a very good catalog and great sound quality with none of the nonsense. Along with me I’ve seen lots of Tidal subscribers happily switch to Qobuz — the other way ‘round, not so much. Sometimes things are cheap for a reason. This is one of those times IMHO.

BTW, @reubent you might wanna stay on top of Tidal to make sure they stop your subscription as others have had trouble with getting billing stopped.  Just another reason to love Tidal...NOT. 

@soix  - My subscription is billed through Best Buy, not Tidal. I had heard bad stories about issues with cancelling via Tidal, so I was happy to see the Best Buy deal was direct with Best Buy. I also read reviews that said cancelling through Best Buy was not an issue.

We'll see....

Thanks for the "heads-up" to everyone considering Tidal.