Experience with DS Audio Optical Cartridge Systems

I am considering moving over to optical cartridge system.  Wondering if any of y'all have had experiences you can share from using the system.


I listened to it after someone with an ear I trust said it’s the best analog he’s ever heard.  I intend to go back and A/B it, but before doing so, I’m hoping to hear about other experiences.  

jperry, that is possibly the shortest thread ever on Audiogon.  One response!  Which probably indicates that not many have had the experience of an optical cartridge, back in 2015 or even up to now.  Rumor (and I hasten to emphasize "rumor") had it that at least their first model was prone to failures.  The idea has survived so far, therefore some must be quite happy with it.

I agree.  That's why I am wondering about actual (and recent) experience.  The DS Audio technology has advanced, and I don't take my friend's ear lightly.

thinking of bringing in a Master and appropriate EQ to evaluate it….like the OP , several people who i trust greatly have heard it, think highly of recent progress made in sonics, yet also understand the nuances in playback chain sonics, system synergy and tradeoffs. Ditto for the Strain G.

Enjoy the journey and the music.
