Now I agree dual FR makes no sense whatsoever, Its a completely ridiculous idea,,a single is really all you need. Duals can make confusion in the sound waves,, 2 VC's bouncing off each other all muddy, convoluted, distorted, just a blob of ,,poop..
But for some reason I like the sound of this poop system.
The opinion in this video reflects my own subjective reaction to the 2A3.
KT type tube offers wonderful colors, imagery, low distortion, no coloration, no fatigue.
I know this fora fact hearing the DEfy7.
But if It came down to chosing one or the other,,I'd have to chose the 2A3 as my premier system.
Bass are near equal, highs a tad superior in the 2A3, buts its in the midrange where the 2A3 opens up recordings that a KT series tube just does not make happen.
2A3 beats out the KT series tube, EL34,88,120, 150
If you feel offrended by any of the comments in my video, just disregard and move on.
Its only my opinion and 2$'s ,,,which ...will get you a only just a Starbucks $2 cofee.
And no I ain't budging on my opinion.