DAC? how much more $$$ to get a significant improvement over Bluesound Node?

starting to get into dacs, never thought much of external dacs before

it seems like there are some state of the art pieces out there under 3k, Schitt and Benchmark come to mind

would that be my starting point to really gear a significant upgrade from my Node?

any recommendations below 3k to achieve this?

thanks in advance




The Schiit Yggdrasil is an excellent DAC for the money. I have not heard a Bluesound, but is very likely to best it easily provided you have the right ancillary equipment to take advantage of its resolution and natural tone. 

I’d think even something like a Gustard X16 at $499 would be a significant upgrade, but you can certainly find further improvements from there depending on what characteristics you’re looking for.  

1) Musetec 005 (incredible DAC) $2969 on sale $3300 MSRP

2) Benchmark DAC3B $1700 a bit less bass and more treble than the Musetec so not as good, but I still love this DAC

3) Gustard X26 Pro $1250 on sale or $1500. Warmer and less detailed than the 005 or DAC3B. A very enjoyable DAC and maybe the choice to make if a warmer sound is desired

4) Topping D90SE $900, sounds like the DAC3B,

These are the DACs I have (just sold the Gustard) and have enjoyed them and can recommend them. 

good feedback, thank you all

I was considering the Gustard X26 and Topping D90SE, as well as the S.M.S.L VMV D2

I use Tidal and all those units seem to have MQA also

upon further review, the Gustard x16 seems like a more affordable dip into the dac waters