Looking for suggestions on speakers and an integrated amp for a second system.

I will be using these in a medium size room at lower volumes. I listen to female vocals and jazz. I like a softer sound and am open to tubes. I will be buying used and would like to keep the total budget under 3700.00.

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If you have the space for Magnepan speakers I would go with the 1.7 and a Parasound Hint Halo integrated I had this system in my a  12 x 15 room and it sounded terrific. Used this combo should be fit your budget.

there are many many terrific choices to choose from with a US$3700 budget

what are your sources? vinyl? streaming? cd’s? ...

is this a dedicated listening room where the speaker placement can be without compromise for aethestics?  if not what are the restrictions or cosmetic limitations?

Just curious: What source component(s)? Digital? Analog? Turntable? Do you want/need a phono stage or DAC in the integrated?

I put together a pretty good digital system for my office about the same size as your room, that meets your budget.  The system sounds great, almost as good as my main rig but really, with the bookshelf speakers, its only for relatively near field listening.

It consists of a Pro-Ject S2 Ultra Streamer, a Pro-Ject S2 Digital Pre/Dac, and a Pro-Ject Amp Box.  I used all my 'second' cables (i.e. those I replaced for better cables) which are OCC 6n silver-plated speaker wire (ELF Silver Surfers), a Wire world USB (ultra-violet) and bespoke LPS units for the Streamer and Amp.  Three of the pieces were pre-owned.  I use the steamer as a Roon endpoint from my Innuos Zenith Mk3 Roon core, but the Pro-Ject software works fine and lets one use it to stream Qobuz or Tidal (possibly others) without Roon.