Hi all
I thought I would start this thread almost like a diary.
After living with my system for 12 years, purchased 2nd hand, i find myself wanting to see if i can improve on the sound.
I tried modding a Marantz cd67 player years ago with some success then went too far and wrecked it.
The system is
Rotel RCD02 cd
Cambridge Audio Dacmagic
RC03pre amp
2 RB03 power amps running as mono blocks
The first thing I wanted to do was tame the overly bright high end by modding the PMCs to + after years of searching I finally found the crossover layout bought the parts and set about the mods.
1st impressions are the highs are tamed however I have 1 speaker that "sounds" louder than the other, more on that later.
I bought the Dacmagic el-cheapo without the box or instructions. I recently downloaded the instructions and realised the Spdif requires the use of a 75ohm digital cable, I've been using a standard RCA all these years.
The room, HiFi and speaker placement are far from optimal but it is was it is and cannot be changed.
I noted I can feel the CD chassis vibrating with music at reasonable levels so that needs a change.
The overall voicing of the system I would describe as slightly forward with a muddy mid range.
It's the highs and mids I'm looking to resolve.