Devore or Audio Note or other sensitive speakers: wanting to listen in Denver

I'm on the hunt for a sensitive speakers to play really nicely with my Quicksilver Mono 60 amps. I've heard some nice Spatial X3's here in Denver thanks to a local audiophile. I was especially taken by their AMT tweeters.

If you're in the Denver area and have Devore, Audio Note, Zu, Tekton, or any other speaker which has really worked well for your tube amps, please DM me. I would be deeply grateful for even  an hour of listening time. Thank you!



Interesting, thanks.  Lots of reason's speakers draw different crowds of course.

@jdoris full disclosure, I have no industry affiliations but I do own four different speaker brands for various systems and applications. Certainly there is no best for every person or every system.

Thanks all -- just heard some great Apertura Evolution speakers right here in Denver.

Very, very nice.

@nonoise Been to Listen Up many times. Not sure they really have anything like what I'm looking for. But will check again. Home installation and a bunch of other brands that I've heard but am not taken with -- Focal, Goldenear, Sonus, B&W, etc.

Is the thought that AN and Devore are "in a different class" -- presumably higher?

in general, yes

higher price (to all 😄) and quality of sound (to most)