What combo would you choose and why

Hey Agoners,

I have the following equipment:

Simaudio i3

Schiit Saga+

Icepower 125ASX amp

Audioengine B2 BT receiver

Odyssey Lorelei floorstanders w/kismet upgrades

Revel M20 engineering standard standmounters

Audio Nirvana alnico 8" full rangers running in free air, i.e.no cab and no baffle

Two Martin Logan Abyss subwoofers

All connections are OCC

I listen to Gardot, Krall, Peyroux and various acoustic guitarists

Room is 14x20 with carpets and lovesacs all over the place

Given all that, what would be your best combo of components to use?

I listen to an average 60db volume.

Thanks all



Hmm, interesting observation, thank you. Given my budgetary limits, the Sim i3 is the best integrated I can do at this point in time. If you could choose an integrated around the $2k mark used, where would that take you?



@tmalkki I've hear the Odyssey monos w/the Loreleis and they were great together, as you might expect. One of the best sounds at Cap Audio Fest a few years ago, vs. gear many times the price. You could get those and a variety of decent tube preamps for ~$2K total. Perhaps an older simpler Audio Research LS7 or a CJ PV series. Klaus would certainly have suggestions too. Cheers,


Thank you for the suggestion Spencer, probably the nudge I needed to reach out to Klaus for a chat!
