"Transferred from original analogue master tapes"

Does the title mean 100% analogue cut from the original analogue master tapes, or is this some kinda cryptic marketing phrase? Found it on this LP I just bought...





If it doesn't say analogue mastering, it is probably digital mastering from analogue tapes.

"Transferred from original analogue master tapes"

Typically means they pulled the original analogue tapes out of archives or storage, then used an ATR to transfer them to digital (usually a hard drive). All work was then performed in the digital domain.

This says the original master tapes were used. The better remasters use the original analogue source tapes; ie, Jimmy Page and the LZ remasters.


Sound impressive on the cover, now how does it sound to you? Nothing else matter unless they are going NUTS on the price..

There is a point where analog is good enough. I listen to 78s still. LOL


It depends on the company which is in possession of the masters, the company which is licensing the rights to those tapes, the mastering engineer, etc. Some record companies won’t let the masters out of their storage facility, providing the reissue company only with a copy, either digital or analog.

By "original master tape" are they referring to the 3, 4, 8, or 16-track multitrack tape (1/4", 1/2", 1", or 2" wide), or to the original 2-track (1/4" or 1/2" wide in most cases) mixdown tape? Both are considered masters. Most LP pressings are made from a lacquer cut from not a master tape, but from a "production" or "work" master, which is a copy of the real master. 

Some reissue record companies are well known to use a purely analog signal path (MoFi, Analogue Productions, Speakers Corner, Intervention, etc.), so are a safe buy.

The Beatles 2014 mono LP boxset is pure analog (the stereo boxset is not), the source the multi-track masters, which allowed the new mono mixes to be made (efforts were taken to make the new mix match that of original 1960’s mono mixes, but without the low frequency rolloff which eviscerated the sound of Ringo’s kick drum and Paul’s bass).

Thanks, all. I wish the industry had a labeling standard like we get on nutritional content, but we know that's not happening! 

Yes, @bdp24 I know about:

Some reissue record companies are well known to use a purely analog signal path (MoFi, Analogue Productions, Speakers Corner, Intervention, etc.), so are a safe buy.

In today's example, I'm pondering the purchase at LRS, knowing I'd love a good compilation of this genre, where my knowledge and collection are minimal. Knowing the era, and Stax's reputation, it seems like all analogue would be naturally expected.  The language struck me as shady, and I concluded it was digitally mastered. But, considering the lack of a good alternative, I bought it anyone. 

@oldhvymec the music is so good on most tracks that I'm not analytically focusing on SQ when listening. It's a quiet enough pressing to not be a distraction. My gut tells me the same on redbook or high-rez would probably be equally satisfying. Not bad for a $29 double LP, but a missed opportunity in a way...cheers,
