Phono stage shoot out: best mid priced unit?

OK am curious what the experience is with the following phono stages:

Tavish Audio Design Adagio

Gold Note PH10 with PSU 10 power supply

Manley Chinook

Whest Two.2

Pass XP12

Parasound JC3+

Sutherland 20/20

Priorities are: sound quality, flexibility and adjustability with differing cartridges, low noise, and overall quality.  I left out the Herron VTPH2a as it's out of production.

Of note I've purchased an EAT Petit, which for $1500 seemed like a good choice, but I'm wondering if spending a little more is the wiser choice.  The new Hegel V10 is also about the same price, but too new to know anything about it.




@bobbydd I haven't heard all your listed units but have listened to the Manley which was very nice, full sounding but to my ears not as detailed or extended top end. Still something to have a listen. Had the Parasound JC3 and didn't care for it at all. To noisy and had no meat on the bones. I do have the GN PH-10 and it's matching PSU-10 and just love it. One of the most versatile phono units especially at its price. Sonically is detailed and extended on top but maybe not the tightest bottom end but not off by much.

Happy Listening and keep us informed what you listen to and your own thoughts

I was looking at all of the ones listed. I was almost going with the GN PH 10, I wound up trading my SPL Phonos which I thought was very good. I have the Modwright PH9.0x on order. I should get it hopefully before the new year.

I haven't heard the Whest two but own the Whest three signature & it is great. Suspect the two would be as well. 

I love my Tavish the classic. Running all NOS tubes with it, GE 12au7, RCA 7025 gray plate, and a Sylvania 5157 with disc getter....sounds good to me. The Tavish Adagio will be mine, someday. Scott is a great guy, very reachable and helpful. The Adagio uses transformers in the M/C section, similar to that of the Ear 834P, which I also own.

Anybody ever compare any of these to the Nagra BPS? I've been wondering if I decided to sell mine and upgrade what would be worthwhile without spending a fortune. Cheers,
