PBN Montana Sammy: Any Experience?

Anyone own or demo the Sammy from PBN?


I enjoy my EPS2s, and am very curious about the Sammy. Peter has a generous return policy, but the Sammy is lot of speaker to move around.


Thanks for the very detailed and helpful description, Ozfly!!!

I'm especially encouraged by your observation that they are completely non-fatiguing. That's one of the things I like most about the EPS2 -- many well-liked speakers give me ear bleed -- and I was wondering how the new tweeter affected that.

I'm less concerned about the low end, since I listen to primarily small scale music with lots of acoustic instruments and female vocal, but I'd definitely like to dig a bit deeper than the EPS2.

What amplification do you use? I'm running the Pass INT-30A, which is not a powerhouse, and can present issues with some speakers.

Finally, I've got a 14x22x9h open floor plan room; do you think I've enough space?

Thanks again!


It is good to see you posting again. I would love to catch up and see what occurred after Charlotte and Wachovia. I am still in NY and not going anywhere soon - one daughter in college and one in high school.

Drop me a line privately and I will call you.

John, yes you have enough room, especially with an open floor plan. I am using a pair of the mega powerful Olympia amps (Sierra Audio from PBN) combined with the Olympia LX preamp. Same setup as used to drive the WAS's in a really big room. Let's just say I don't need to turn the volume up too much. The Sammy's seem to drive pretty easily, but I believe all (or many) of the Montana speakers are actually pretty efficient.

Bob, look forward to talking.
Hi John, Sorry for being so late! I just stumbled upon this thread, By the way did you happen to buy the Montanas? Just curious as i own Pass XA 30.5 and plan to buy speakers for the same. Montanas were on my short list. What speakers are you using and how is your experience.?