Or, maybe it just gets me High...
Perhaps the danger of equipment can be like desperately smoking as many cigarettes as one can, in order to quit.
How do you get Happy as an Audiophile?
There’s an interesting, relatively modern take on mental health called Positive Psychology. While not without it’s faults and detractors, PP has a very interesting approach. Instead of asking questions on the axis of illness and diagnosis PP asks questions on the scale of happiness:
What is it that makes you more or less content with your life and in your pursuits? How can these actions, events or states be codified and applied as general principles?
In the spirit of PP then I ask:
How do you get happy? What advice would you give an audiophile that asks "What is satisfying about being an audiophile, and what are the approaches that get me there? Do you personally know the answers for yourself? "
Or, maybe it just gets me High...
Perhaps the danger of equipment can be like desperately smoking as many cigarettes as one can, in order to quit. |
Hearing/noticing new sounds or depths of the sounds on my records and realizing how good my favorite records sound. When time passes and you don't realize it - when my measure of time is in albums/sides of albums. I find that whenever I do something and I am not aware of time passing I am happy. I feel sorry for clock watchers. |
@erik_squires +1 on DIY. LXmini and a pair of OB-subs has been very fulfilling in my journey. Related to this has been the introduction to new tools and required learning; 3D printer, CAD software, crossovers, DSP, measurement software (REW), and calibrated mic. All have contributed to satisfaction/achievement/happiness. @oldhvymec mentioned, "progress", and I can relate/resemble that comment (just ask my wife - why I "always have to be doing something"). In addition to measurements, I kept a stable of reference products to compare against my builds. That included; Tekton DI w/FU, ML e-stats, GE Tritons, B&W (speakers) and AQ Mont Blanc w/FU (cables). These references help ensure DIY builds are 'sound', and in some cases have effected configuration decisions in achievement of superior results. |