If you have a CD Player, you need to do this periodically...

I would rather imagine that most audiophiles are aware of this, but if not, may I recommend a very easy tweak that has always produced positive results in every system I've had:

Ayre - Irrational, But Efficacious!

Densen - DeMagic

These are System Enhancement Discs which reduces magnetism that has built up during playback. I'm pretty sure there are other products that purport to do the same thing. These two have certainly worked for me. Good listening!!




I have the disc.  The premise of this discussion is that bits of the system have become magnetized.  My chassis are copper and aluminum.  My cables are silver.  My connectors are gold plated copper.  All the above are non magnetic materials.  Circuit boards are tin plated copper.  So same story.  

So which bits would become magnetized?  Inductors and transformers most certainly generate electrical fields.  But that is in the power supply.  I am not using output transformers so nothing to align there.


That is not to say that the disc is not helpful is some way.  

Ah, another example of useless product for the audio system!

As I am a scientist holding PhD., I cannot understand the statement someone mentioned below:

"I don't know why it works, but it improved my system."

Any effect on the sound is very difficult to measure for naked human to detect.

So, there are many product just like snake oil.


+1 gents - hahaha

@newtoncr  I use IsoTek - High Resolution Full System Enhancer straight off my SSD drive on my server.

I have been using cleaning disks,with demag for over 20 years....clean the lens,and demags to.

@r29y8u92 -  as a PHD scientist how on earth did you come up with a name that looks like a random generated password as a your Agon name?
Welcome to Agon.

Why does time change when moving closer or further away from a large body (such as the Earth) source of gravity? It's observable, other than time space theory, can it be explained?

From https://isoteksystems.com/products/full-system-enhancer/

A variety of tracks featuring specially developed algorithms, which create a unique set of signals to reduce burn-in time and ‘run-in’ equipment. The disc can also demagnetise audio and audio-visual components.
  • Perfect burn-in disc for all new components.
  • Full system demagnetization.
  • Simple, cost effective solution, which is considered an industry standard.

The Full System Enhancer CD is an intensive ‘workout’ for your audio system. The disc includes specially developed signals to help ‘run-in’ new equipment, as well as demagnetising existing hi-fi components and rejuvenating your entire system.

It is important to exercise an audio system across the full range of frequencies and amplitudes it may encounter in real life, and to this end the tones on this disc have been devised to cover the complete audio band from top to bottom, also ensuring that, for instance, high-amplitude signals are combined with high-speed ones.

In electronic terms, the required signals feature lots of high-speed activity coupled to some high-amplitude excursions. All of these signals have been produced according to strict mathematical criteria, so as to place the greatest stress on the important parts of a system – without, it is important to note, endangering any part of it.