Unfiltered Power Bars

I'm looking to replace a Wiremold (holdover from my Naim days) ... I'm trying out the Furutech e-TP66(g) but I'm not convinced for $400. Who makes good power bars in your experience (preferably unfiltered but mild filtration is OK)? Looking to stay under $500 if possible


I have to agree with @tomic601 with the Furman for the digital and @nonoise with the Cullen for non filtered, use both in two systems and they are both very price effective. Enjoy the music

I recently bought a used Audience AR1p and plugged my Wiremold strip into it and it generated a much more open and dynamic soundstage. I’d highly recommend stretching your wallet and pursuing this while still using your Wiremold for any other necessary outlets...


And if it doesn’t produce significant sonic benefits, just resell it.  That’s what I did, except I kept my AR1p and am thrilled with the benefits in my HeadFi rig versus plugging into the wall.  And you can do this almost risk free as Audience power conditioners have a very fluid used market.  Hope this helps, and best of luck. 

@greg7 - Having read through the postings, a couple of products stand out for me

  1. Yout Furutech e-TP66(g) - mainly because they use the Furutech outlets, which are a proven product, but also because you can attach the power cable of your choice
  2. Cullen Cable - because they use Pass and Seymour audio outlets which are very good AND they use Military spec 99.99% Silver plated OFC copper wire with Teflon Dielectric. Both of which I have used in my own DIY power bar with great results

But if I were to recommend a power bar it would be the Furutech E-TP-60

Furutech E-TP60 (G) AC power distributor | Free shipping within Canada (artetson.ca)

  • Mainly because it has Furutech outlets that use phosphor Bronze for the base metal of the contacts, which is much better than Brass.
  • But also, the receptacles are wired to the IEC AC input of the e-TP60
  • as opposed to wiring the outlets in parallel (which can lead to noise contamination across outlets)

I made my own power distribution center that use the Pass and Seymour outlets and solid UP-OCC copper wires internally. I use a couple of switches to control individual outlets and a micro-breaker for overload protection of the whole unit - no filters or chokes.

FYI: I only have one digital source and one analogue source (+ turntable) in my system, so noise contamination is well controlled. I also use my own DIY power cables that are designed to minimize noise generated between wires, components and cables

See - My Audio Alchemy (image99.net)

And I still plug my amp into the wall outlet

But I do conceded that more elaborate solutions may be required in situations where

  1. the power supply is of poor quality
  2. more source components are connected

That’s my 10c worth

Regards - Steve