Invert Polarity in Digital Domain

Just curious if anybody has heard any differences with CD players which have the option to invert absolute polarity in the digital domain.

I have the Levinson 390S and I hear a clearer (especially voices!), albeit narrower soundstage with polarity setting to normal (interestingly, the player powers up to polarity=invert as the default). This holds true over a wide variety of discs, and for all types of music. The inverted absolute polarity setting is often more involving, though. My preamp and amp do not invert polarity.

I do not hear any differences at all by inverting polarity on the preamp (in the analog domain), by the way.

Thanks for any input.
You should be getting a true polarity inversion through your VTL (despite the semantic polarity/phase confusion). What are your speakers? I recently heard Magnepan 3.6 and 20.1 speakers in a store demo where BOTH the (Levinson) CD player and preamp enabled polarity (phase) switching via their remotes, and couldn't hear a bit of difference switching either unit. The speakers must be really polarity-coherent to enable you to hear these effects consistently. Good luck, Dave
Sorry, can't help (don't know the speakers). My understanding is that the simpler the crossover, the better. And the drivers in the speakers must all be connected + to + (many aren't, intentionally). Dave
Try the Phase chart from SRA-Extremely helpful!
The SRA list derives from the same source as mine. I just left off the labels I'd never heard of :-)