Returning damaged item to seller....

I bought a Project Ground It which unfortunately was damaged during shipping. The seller refused refund even after sending multiple pictures of damaged item to him. Only after I initiated PayPal action did he decide to refund me. Through out this process he did not want the item back. Now he has decided he wants it back. I am willing to return it but he refuses to pay for return shipping costs. Am I correct in thinking he should pay return shipping fee? Thanks!




thyname - I still want to do right by the seller but want him to take some responsibility for his poor packaging for shipping.

So you spent nothing, have been payed back in full and you have the shippers property and he is out of pocket for both shipping fee and the item.

So just what high ground are you on again? What is the lesson you want to teach him.

Whatever you think it is or whatever your reasoning now... it doesn' t really fly alongside the virtuous mud being applied here. I'm betting the cost to send it would be negligible to pay it in full. 

Your withholding his property   unpaid for by you for the sake of a few bucks (his half ?) and some idiotic moral dilemma... its literally a few bucks out of your pocket..compared to his loss...regardless of how anything is packed the delivery "experts" will always find a way to damage things.

My conscience would be clear when he had his property back . 

but I'd never post this type of stuff on a forum about a private sale. Personal escalation in mass  never works, feedback after private discussion is usually sufficient and less likely to have one of two ignored afterward.

That's just how I see it...




Thank-you for your response. I do have a clear conscience and nor do I believe I am trying to teach the seller a lesson. Throughout all this the seller did not want the item back. The seller also refused refund as I failed to notify of damage when received due to being away from home. When I returned homed saw the damage the seller was immediately notified with pictures of the damage. The seller than accused me a causing the damage. Only after I filed a claim did he initiate the refund again telling me he did not want it back. I offered to return home, 350 miles or 563.2 kilometers one way, to return the item but the seller said it would be a waste of time and money. Weeks after I made this offer the seller decides he wants it back which I am more than happy to do if he pays for 1/2 the shipping. I think my offer to pay 1/2 shipping is fair and will do so if the seller contacts me agreeing to pay 1/2 shipping.