Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption

Came across this today. A lot of posts bring up the issue of "how much is enough?" or "when is audio consumption justified" etc.

Does this Nietzsche aphorism apply to audio buying? You be the judge! 

Friedrich Nietzsche“Danger in riches. — Only he who has spirit ought to have possessions: otherwise possessions are a public danger. For the possessor who does not know how to make use of the free time which his possessions could purchase him will always continue to strive after possessions: this striving will constitute his entertainment, his strategy in his war against boredom. 

Thus in the end the moderate possessions that would suffice the man of spirit are transformed into actual riches – riches which are in fact the glittering product of spiritual dependence and poverty. They only appear quite different from what their wretched origin would lead one to expect because they are able to mask themselves with art and culture: for they are, of course, able to purchase masks. By this means they arouse envy in the poorer and the uncultivated – who at bottom are envying culture and fail to recognize the masks as masks – and gradually prepare a social revolution: for gilded vulgarity and histrionic self-inflation in a supposed ‘enjoyment of culture’ instil into the latter the idea ‘it is only a matter of money’ – whereas, while it is to some extent a matter of money, it is much more a matter of spirit.” 

Nietzsche, Friedrich. 1996. Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits. Cambridge University Press. (p. 283-4, an aphorism no. 310)

I'm pretty sure @mahgister will want to read this one! (Because they speak so artfully about avoiding the diversion that consumption poses to the quest for true aesthetic and acoustic excellence.)


@ mahgister - Thanks much for your latest response to me.  I'm all good, so no problem.  I also often regret my passions :) 

Second, in a forum such as this, it's a real challenge to adequately express complex philosophical, ethical, religious (spirit-ual) concepts, considering the nature of the medium and its audience.  In retrospect, maybe doing so is a fool's errand.

RE: N's use of the term/concept of "spirit" seems to me to be quite different from the Hebrew as used by the ancients (I have studied Hebrew), from which you make reference.  It would have been more helpful and clear had I effectively engaged this particular quibble. But again, the nature of the forum is challenging when attempting to engage even such limited scope.

All that said, Hilde does make an interesting and potentially profitable observation by posing the question he does - just in terms of an ethical consideration some may wish to ponder.  I'm merely observing that, perhaps, utilizing N does more to confuse or obscure the matter for interested readers than provide clarity necessary for arriving at a more mature understanding of the matter.  

Great post!

You are right about everything in your remarks...

But going back to the Dyonysian experience which inspire Nietszche and his sacred festivities but especially going back to the Mysteries Sacred schools experiment like in Eleusis, which was a center of sprit around for all people of the mediterranean sea, we realized the experience of spirit in Greece is not completely foreing to the ancient hebrew "ruach" perception and experience....

The intimate participation to the spirit mimic one another in Greek and Jews and in all cultures anyway , the spirit experience ultimately is the same, think about NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE for example or out of the body experiences, but the way to express it and partipate to nature differ...

One of the best book on that is Peter Kingsley "reality"....Jews civilization of the Alexandrine period and after it is way more nearer to the Greek that  what we had learned in our younger days...

Alexandria was the cosmopolitan Paris/ Newyork of the ancient world and jews scholars meets there with Greeks even were influenced by Greek thought on a level underestimated completely 50 years ago..

lIsten to this scholar takes about Alexandria era....

Plato All the Way Down: Solving Biblical Mysteries with Russell Gmirkin

Just a meaningful anecdote: Egyptian priesthood at the bibliotheca of Alexandria, the biggest in the world collected all documents of ANY political constitution or about philosophy and science they coud grap... They ask Corinthians for example give us your city constituion written document, we will copy it and return you back, in the mean time we will send you a gold warrenty for sure... Corinthians obeyed and accepted the gold send their constitution; but after some years, the Egyptians never answering the Corenthians demands for the retrurn, said keep the gold we keep the constitution and we will send you a copy.... That speak a lot about their passionate urge to collect EVERYTHING ....They ask jews scholars what are your people think about God, your history , etc wrote it for us and we will keep it in the bibliotheca... Guess what comes from it? It is Gmirkin well researched thesis...


Humans of all culture are way more similar to one another that they ever think they are, but they dont understand it, they dont want to know it, and they do all they can to prove this wrong...The experience of the spirit is the SAME all over the world, but the way we participate to nature is not....

Humans are connected by the heart and separated by the body....




We must speak sometimes to one another from a wider perspective like the OP wisely suggest...


But you are right also for sure in some way about this perilous tentative...

Second, in a forum such as this, it’s a real challenge to adequately express complex philosophical, ethical, religious (spirit-ual) concepts, considering the nature of the medium and its audience. In retrospect, maybe doing so is a fool’s errand.

In the course to prove that they are much different than one another people buy artefacts, and create new one for the sake of the difference and feel then different at least if not superior...

This is a UNIVERSAL trends...

People are connected by the heart and differ by their bodies...

The spirit experience is the same all over the world but the way this experience manifest itself through the body and through our participation of nature differ...

Now read what Nietszche said:

«Only he who has spirit ought to have possessions: otherwise possessions are a public danger. »

Is it not clear?

Read audio thread where people vouch about gear forgetting the essential key to the experience: acoustic and psycho-acoustic....They think an amplifier is more important than the acoustic link between the gear/room/ears...

In audio experience it is not the possession that define the experience it is acoustic and psycho-acoustic law because the sound/music experience is the same, based on the same science, but artefacts differ and the way this experience manifested itself may differ...




«Why do you put your ears near the speakers my friend? I listen to my amplifier»-An audiophile dialogue in inferno

«My amplifier sound way better than my speakers»- An audiophile thinking about an upgrade

«With my electronic equalizer i created the sound i want to taste each passing minute nevermind the music» an anonymus DSP engineer audiophile

«This dac will sound marvellous in ANY room, with ANY gear, and for ANY ear » a seller

«Cables makes a difference ...NO not at all, cables makes no differences... But wait a minute tubes certainly did? i prefer S.S.» Audiophiles arguing

«Keep the room but changes the fuses» An audiophile

«My audio system reproduce exactly the lived original event no doubt!» An anonymus audiophile

«High end costly gear makes a difference in your pocket more than in S.Q. if you dont study physical acoustic and psycho-acoustic »-Myself


«I love Wagner»-Nietszche 1868

« Wagner is nuisible »-Nietszche 1888

«Sound is like the body, it can die, but the music stay anyway»-Groucho Marx🤓

«If you know how to whistle anyway you dont need a stereo system»-Roger Whitaker

«Music is beautiful!»- Helen Keller mute,deaf and blind



«We dont know what the sound/music relation is, anybody pretending to know is a fool, sound is an experience not an equation» A mathematician by formation which is also one of the greatest maestro and one of the greatest philosopher of the 20 th century which i will not name here because this citation is my own interpretation of his 1200 pages book on music experience history...


«Only 2 sounds resonated through all the universe in 1945: the explosion of Hiroshima and the AUM sound, extraterrestrial notice the first with the help of the other»- an anonymus whistleblower from secret program..

«Without air no music and no sound» -A physicist

«Sound need air like a fire need wood»- an alchemist

« Music need silence more than sound need air»-a musician

«Bats, blind people, and dolphins see  bodies qualities  with sounds; our spoken words are perhaps way more than we think they are» -Anonymus Smith 


«The importance of sound or of silence is way more exagerated»- a yogi


William James Sidis is so highly intelligent that his life is UNBELIEVABLE, for example:

Given IQ is a purely anthropocentric means of assessing intelligence, Sidis’ IQ is crudely estimated at 250-300.
Mastered higher mathematics and planetary revolutions by age 11.
Learned to spell efficiently by one year old.
Started reading The New York Times at 18 months.
Read Caesar’s Gallic Wars, in Latin (self-taught), as a birthday present to his Father in Billy’s fourth year.
Learned Greek alphabet and read Homer in Greek in his fourth year.
Learned Aristotelian logic in his sixth year and said to his mother thay he regret to have not studied logic BEFORE... 😊
At six, Billy learned Russian, French, German, and Hebrew, and soon after, Turkish and Armenian.
Learned Gray’s Anatomy at six. Could pass a student medical examination and enter University in medecine because it was the high bar at these times...
Total recall of everything he read.
Wrote four books between ages of four and eight. Two on anatomy and astronomy, lost.
Passed Harvard Medical School anatomy exam at age seven.
Passed MIT entrance exam at age eight.
Attempted to enroll in Harvard at nine.But he was too SHORT in body...
In 1909, became youngest student to ever enroll at Harvard at age 11.
Billy graduated from Harvard, cum laude, on June 24, 1914, at age 16. He teach mathematical texts in their original languages but cannot be taken seriously by students many years older than he was...
Billy entered Harvard Law School in 1916.
Billy could learn a whole language in one day!
Billy knew all the languages (approximately 200) of the world, and could translate among them instantly! At 16 years old he was in Anarchist society and he was spoken translator for all languages...
He wrote a book i read under 20 years old "The animate and the inanimate" where he predicted the existence of black hole before Oppenheimer and Chandrasekhar paper and the existence of non living organic matter in the universe with thermodynamical deep  reflections...
He wrote a book "the states and the Tribes"where he reflected about the origin of democracy in America and the Indian and explain their origin...Anyway he know all Indian languages because it wasa passion of his own and he was able to decipher the quipus of south america...
At 11 years at Harvard in 1910 he give a conference about the projection of four dimensional body in 3 D space and he answer question about the New Einstein theory... All is written ...


Now what is the main point about Sidis:

To liberate himself from celebrity and exploitation he deecide to be recluse

And exclude all art, sex, and MUSIC of his life... All the feminine asect of life and he lived in his head with few friends but alone in hiding...

Conclusion: Art, love, music is the salt of life and if a man lack of them his soul stiffen...Any man need a woman...

Sidis never touch a woman save one by the hand ONE time in his life at 16 years of age and keep his image on himself all his life even after this woman marry an pother man... He lived without art nor love....Save in his head...

The story of Sidis is so incredible than a biography of his life EXCEED science fiction...

The proof: i read Olaf Stapledon novel of a superhuman man in intelligence "odd John" a very interesting novel about intelligence i read long ago..

The incredible fact is the real Sidis exceed by a huge margin "ood john" himself in precocity and talents ... Why ? Because any novel must stay plausible and credible to be trusted and believed...


My point is music convey the spirit which keep our soul alive and keep off our body from drying perhaps....

My other point we are all unequal in gift but if someone here think he is more intelligent than all the others here i will recommend that he read sidis life and this will humble him ....

There is a deep mathematical theorem about the way a set of points are all near one another by relation to a fixed chosen point...

Sidis is my fixed chosen point then we are all equal here in intelligience or near so...


merry Christmast