«The importance of sound or of silence is way more exagerated»- a yogi
William James Sidis is so highly intelligent that his life is UNBELIEVABLE, for example:
Given IQ is a purely anthropocentric means of assessing intelligence, Sidis’ IQ is crudely estimated at 250-300.
Mastered higher mathematics and planetary revolutions by age 11.
Learned to spell efficiently by one year old.
Started reading The New York Times at 18 months.
Read Caesar’s Gallic Wars, in Latin (self-taught), as a birthday present to his Father in Billy’s fourth year.
Learned Greek alphabet and read Homer in Greek in his fourth year.
Learned Aristotelian logic in his sixth year and said to his mother thay he regret to have not studied logic BEFORE... 😊
At six, Billy learned Russian, French, German, and Hebrew, and soon after, Turkish and Armenian.
Learned Gray’s Anatomy at six. Could pass a student medical examination and enter University in medecine because it was the high bar at these times...
Total recall of everything he read.
Wrote four books between ages of four and eight. Two on anatomy and astronomy, lost.
Passed Harvard Medical School anatomy exam at age seven.
Passed MIT entrance exam at age eight.
Attempted to enroll in Harvard at nine.But he was too SHORT in body...
In 1909, became youngest student to ever enroll at Harvard at age 11.
Billy graduated from Harvard, cum laude, on June 24, 1914, at age 16. He teach mathematical texts in their original languages but cannot be taken seriously by students many years older than he was...
Billy entered Harvard Law School in 1916.
Billy could learn a whole language in one day!
Billy knew all the languages (approximately 200) of the world, and could translate among them instantly! At 16 years old he was in Anarchist society and he was spoken translator for all languages...
He wrote a book i read under 20 years old "The animate and the inanimate" where he predicted the existence of black hole before Oppenheimer and Chandrasekhar paper and the existence of non living organic matter in the universe with thermodynamical deep reflections...
He wrote a book "the states and the Tribes"where he reflected about the origin of democracy in America and the Indian and explain their origin...Anyway he know all Indian languages because it wasa passion of his own and he was able to decipher the quipus of south america...
At 11 years at Harvard in 1910 he give a conference about the projection of four dimensional body in 3 D space and he answer question about the New Einstein theory... All is written ...
Now what is the main point about Sidis:
To liberate himself from celebrity and exploitation he deecide to be recluse
And exclude all art, sex, and MUSIC of his life... All the feminine asect of life and he lived in his head with few friends but alone in hiding...
Conclusion: Art, love, music is the salt of life and if a man lack of them his soul stiffen...Any man need a woman...
Sidis never touch a woman save one by the hand ONE time in his life at 16 years of age and keep his image on himself all his life even after this woman marry an pother man... He lived without art nor love....Save in his head...
The story of Sidis is so incredible than a biography of his life EXCEED science fiction...
The proof: i read Olaf Stapledon novel of a superhuman man in intelligence "odd John" a very interesting novel about intelligence i read long ago..
The incredible fact is the real Sidis exceed by a huge margin "ood john" himself in precocity and talents ... Why ? Because any novel must stay plausible and credible to be trusted and believed...
My point is music convey the spirit which keep our soul alive and keep off our body from drying perhaps....
My other point we are all unequal in gift but if someone here think he is more intelligent than all the others here i will recommend that he read sidis life and this will humble him ....
There is a deep mathematical theorem about the way a set of points are all near one another by relation to a fixed chosen point...
Sidis is my fixed chosen point then we are all equal here in intelligience or near so...
merry Christmast