I respect Jay takes because no one owned 343 amplifiers.. His video will be useful, and for me interesting to watch...
His advice will be useful for many..
Criticizing him about "clarity" or " neutrality" are meaningless arguing..
Clarity is defined against a backgound not in itself... light is defined by night and vice versa..
In acoustic and psycho-acoustic experience there is no clarity or neutrality FIRST and LAST...But dynamical micro playing tonal timbre surface and volume inside of which there is an interelated play between the acoustical setting background timing onset of waves and frontwaves and reverbarations and the internal acoustic timbre content frequencies spectrum... There is no clarity by itself here or neutrality by itself, these notions are relative to too many factors to use them unilaterally as guide save in engineering where effectively clarity may be excessive from some gear in some pairing and where neutrality in the design is a must... But acoustic and psycho-acoustic experience are more complex and cannot be argued about ONLY with words and motto like "neutrality" or "clarity"....
Szigeti seems to play violin less clearly than Heifetz in Bach violin sonata but we must say instead that the two players choose different paths... Szigeti spoke where Heifetz sing...Than clarity dont play the same in this 2 different use of the violin...Spoken contrasted articulation is not singing glisando... Then clarity and neutrality analysis means not a lot here and fall short of describing phenomenal musical experience...Like they fall short to describe acoustical and psycho-acoustical experience... The vocabulary of audio engineering is not the musical vocabulary and the two are not the acoustical and psycho-acoustical vocabulary either...
And arguing about cables IN ITSELF out of any room, any gear connection make no sense especially with all possible cables choices...
If Jay said that Nnordost cannot be used with HIS GEAR in his room for his ears because they introduce too much clarity in some system/room/ears pairing it simply described his experience... Arguing against someone IRREPRODUCIBLE experience made no sense... On the opposite some very good cable could add too much claity in a perfect already system this is COMMON PLACE FACT...There is no ABSOLUTE in gear choice because it is always gear dependent, room dependent and ears dependent...
Am i wrong?
Perhaps i am only an average audiophile with no experience with many systems. only a great experience about how to implement successfully a chosen one, mechanically, electrically and acoustically...MINE...
But Jays experience is interesting...Honest and passionate...i can say that, even if we are at the complete opposite of the spectrum... He look for a complete audio experiences with all possible highly costly designs at the peak of engineering, WHILE i look for the way to install and embed at low cost ONLY ONE chosen system... it takes me few years of work with a selected one...I am more than happy but being curious, i listen Jays passionnate takes...
It will never cross my mind to criticize his choices out of his shoes about "clarity"...
or "neutrality". these words are there only to convey his impressions not to establish an axiom like: there is never too much clarity...
Timbre experience is a SUBJECTIVE perception where the OBJECTIVE spectrum of frequencies is ONLY one constutuent factor in the definition of timbre... Then arguing about clarity on all frequencies spectrum dont adress the timbre perception itself..
Thanks to Jay for being so dedicated...