it does not lose anything (the mid-range magic is fully there), sound is thicker across the entire spectrum (more presence / more meat around all bones) which increases the sense of naturalness & flow. I did not have to tweak my system in any way (MU1-Tambaqui-Icon4se-Amp23r or SIT3, LessLoss cabling), the V2s are here to stay!
I have to say that listening assessment is quite informative. Actually more encouraging than what I inferred from Srajan Ebaen. Of course two different audio systems heard by different pair of ears. But is this not always the case when subjectivity trying to communicate to another sonic/music listening impressions?
To know that it retains the "Midrange magic" with added meat on the bone is an accomplishment. Of course depending on one’s current audio system voicing the additional meat on the bone may not be required. So as always the final judgment is individually determined by targeted sonic needs and goal.