Foundation Designer stands replica

I own a pair of Graham LS5/9 that I use with the mythical and rare Foundation Designer stands for Rogers 5/9.

My plan is to upgrade to another bigger Graham speaker so, the original Graham stands are not the best in my opinion, I would like to build a new pair of clones of Foundation Desginer, but bigger.

Do somebody know the details of the originals? Materials used, and so on, in particular?




'mythical' speaker stands...  love it...

sorry, couldn't resist -- carry on... 

Not a thing there that is fancy. Measure twice, cut once, grind once, and tack it.

Check your work, weld a little more if that makes you happy drill holes in the TOP plate so you can fill the legs with what ever makes your pickle squirt and put corks on the holes. Paint them PINK!!!

Pull a cork or two it doubles as a sex toy. I had to say that. OH deburr if you go the latter OUCH.:-) 


Yes, it should be easy. I overdid it with the Response 1 stands and had six pillars on each. The welder charged $250.00 for the job and when I picked them up said that he would never do it for that price again. It was too much trouble. 

@jjss49 yes mythical because many tried to copy them but, the original sounded always better than the copy

so I need the secrets of that formula

please do not transform this topic in a general discussion about stands, I need precise instructions about these ones. thank you

What is it that you're looking for? The dimensions are clear because you own them. All that would be left to determine would be the type of metal, and I doubt that they're aluminum, so that leaves steel, right?