''Óriginal parts'', ''identity '' and ''retip'' conundrum

The ''identity enigma'' is easy to explain with ''ownership''. Not everyone is familiar with logic or philosophy but everyone owns something or other.

Ownership assume ''one to one relation'' between an person (legal

bodies included) and one object of ownership. Think of question how

you can prove to own some object. You can also think about question

how to prove to be owner of, say an part of your stolen car.

What the ''force'' of the expression ''original'' is , is an enigma.

However Americans are typical example of   people who are very

fond of ''original parts'' and willing to pay huge amount of money

for the ''precious'' (grin). By the so called ''retips'' the assumption

is also ''original'' versus ''not original parts''. This means that 

every manufacturer as well ''retiper'' uses his own styli and or

cantilevers. The fact however is that they all buy those ''parts''

by either by Namiki or Ogura. So, logicaly speaking, the origin

of those ''parts'' are either Namiki or Ogura. Is gluing an cantilever/

stylus combo in the ''joint pipe'' rocket science?


pinda, ''for two things to say that they are identical is nonsense

and to say that everything is identical with itself says nothing''


If a product is produced from the exact same assembly of Materials, in the terms of a Marketing Description it is an Identical Model, and that is the requirement of the law to ensure the Model on offer complies with the materials used as advertised by the Supplier/ Manufacturer.

As said when the time of Manufacturer Refurbishment Occurs, a disclaimer might declare that the materials in the assembly may not be maintained, if new parts are to be used in the process of refurbishment.

I am sure that if an assembly of a selection of Parts belonging to a range of Cartridge Models was investigated with scientific control measures, a difference between a similar part,  when compared is most  likely to be detected, such a endeavour to match parts to this level of accuracy is not required to be carried out by the Cartridge Manufacturer, and I doubt whether such a practice has ever occurred.       

pindac , Those  are ''deep philosophical waters'' because two

different criteria are assumed. I already quoted Wittgenstein:

''for two things to say  they are identical make no sense''.

Even Quine was not able to explain the difference between

equal and identical. Frege's  problem to explain truth was 

caused by his conviction that  ''correspondence''  in correspondence

between an statement and reality make no sense because one

is linguistic and ''the other'' is not. BTW the expression ''extra

linguistic reality'' means ''the same'' . Now ''our carts''. If they are

''identical'' how  can they sound different? There are to many people

who sell their Van den Huls but there not many who sell their FR-7fz.

or Takeda's Miyabi. 

BTW are Siamese twins equal or identical? If identical what kind

of ID should they have. ?  Are two eggs identical or equal in the

sense of their property? Well there is ''property criterion'' and

meaning criterion : ''everything is identical with itself''.

According to Wittgenstein this ''says nothing''. :iucky us humans

each individual has his own such that there are no two with the

same identity. However some may look as an other(grin) 

Can a Link be supplied to the discussion where the referred to individual 'Wittgenstein' has made comments known about MC Cartridges and 'retips', this might help with eliminating Third Party interpretations, that are seemingly detracting from the subject of the thread. The content offered from the said person 'Wittgenstein' on the matter of commercial products assemblies and the consistent use of common parts whilst a range of models is being produced, appears to be suggested as being quite relevant.