Where next from gamut d200i?


I am after some opinions on where to go next with my system, I am based in the UK and I am finding it increasingly difficult to demo products, hence I am reaching out to this community for some guidance on what to shortlist!

My system currently consists of an Aqua la scala mk2 cdt, in to a chord mscaler, into a chord Dave with a Sean Jacobs DC4 power supply. I have the Dave in preamp mode feeding a gamut d200i via xlr. I have audio physic Virgo iii speakers, they are the latest model and are only about 6 months old. My power is sorted with a dedicated audio fuse board, feeding an AQ niagara 5000. I am also running dual rel s3 subs. (My cabling is a mixture of black rhodium cantata and tellurium q silver diamond)
I am not sure where to go next, introduce a preamp? Upgrade the power amp, or jump to a high end integrated, maybe a Diablo 300?  I really enjoy a holographic sound stage and that’s what I am chasing, but I also want very fast and textured bass which is why I am nervous about a tube preamp. I guess I am wondering would a new amp be a significant upgrade over a d200i, it’s quite old but still seems to be well regarded.




Keep the Gamut amp! It is indeed excellent! Any other amp would be a sideways move at best! 

Post removed 

I'm of the opinion that the only way to better the Gamut is to jump all the way to a CTH-8550 MKII.

Only if you REALLY have to scratch that itch.


I agree with steakster that cables make a big difference, and you can start with a better power conditioner and power cords. 

Using the preamp section of your DAC.  No.  Just...no.  Preamps are one of the most important components in any system, and I fully believe that’s where your limitation lies.  Given what you’re looking for, I’d search out the best used Audio Research pre — preferably with the SE designation — I could find and I think you’ll be in absolute audio heaven.  Best of luck.