Okay Jeffreybowman2k so what's up? Above on the fifth in your thread above you wrote you love the "AA" but now five days later being today I noticed it's up for sale and you mention you are going in a different direction, so come on what direction is this?
Well I got my new AA Line Drive1 MK2 a few days ago, right out of the box hooked-up it sounds as good as my ARC/AA combo but not better. I know I am being impatient but my expectations are high. As time passes by and the unit breaks in it needs to improve allot and surpass the ARC as a transport or I will have to look for another transport. My reasoning for this is because it is an expensive transport, costing more than my ARC cd3 MK2. The later can be used as a cd player and transport so my thoughts are this AA transport should be allot better.
Tbg so we meet again, I still have not been contacted by anyone nor have my questions ever been answered regarding the H-CAT pre, I've given up on them. I have the Supratek Sauv. line coming and after that the Bent Tap. and both companies contacted me right away and answered any and all of my questions, I guess it shows because they are getting my business. I could only imagine if one had any problems with the unit or needed some questions answered after they invested money, I received allot of emails from other members with only negative experiences.
I recently placed an order for Virtual Dynamic Genesis bi-wired speakers cables, supose to be sent arround the 24th so that will be interesting.
The Stealth power cables you got, they are suppose to be amazing and I want to get some also along with the Indra balanced interconnect but not for a while.
Teajay those are some great reviews you did on both AA pieces, very informative Thanks.
Are my expectations to high for this transport? have you tried any other transports with the Dac? I was thinking of the Oracle 2000, CEC.
What are your thoughts?
I'm not wanting to jump the gun, the transport being new and all but I was sent a few emails saying not to expect huge but only slight improvements and that the biggest improvement is the dac.
Anyone reading this I don't want you to take my context in the wrong way, I am very happy with the sound that I am getting. I almost bought a Audio Research Ref7 cd player and this combo is just in a whole different league along with being the best I have had in my system but always looking at improvements.