Accustic Arts

Does anybody have any experience with the new Drive 1-MK2 and the DAC 1-MK4? Your opinions please.

Dev, all that I can say is that I know many very happy H-Cat users who listened first and asked questions afterwards.

I anxiously await my AA equipment. The reviews here and from other sources suggest that this maybe a major advance. I only know what I don't like, having own the dCS, EMM, and Levinson gear in past. I was very happy with the Esoteric X-01 LE and often regret having sold it.
dev: go back and re-read the last paragraph of my post. sound out the words if you are not strong reader. you'll see where i said that my next move would be to a USB DAC, which is what i have done.
Jeffrey, what hard drive have you gone to? I have been very interested in the StereoTimes review of the Memory Player by Nova Physics. It now is available with a dac included. I heard VRS equipment beginning about 5 years ago. They did manage great improvement and easy of use by the 2005 RMAF but since have been invisible. I understand there are several other companies moving strongly in this direction.

Tbg the Esoteric X-01 LE is a great piece, I have not owned one but a friend does and loves it. What were the dcs and EMM pieces you owned?

Regarding the H-Cat you said "H-Cat users who listened first and asked questions afterwards."

Are you insinuating that I should not ask questions first? if you are I don't agree. Tbg this company has gone to the extent of giving a fictitious dealers name for in my area, no one knows of such along with the phone directory, business directory's etc. what a way of doing business and Roger him self has never given me any address or phone number.

Tbg before you buy anything or look at trying something are you implying that you don't ask questions prior? if this was true I don't believe we would have these threads.
Dev, I owned the Dac6 and the Phillips SACD 1000 and the dCS Elgar with sacd capability and the pro 972 upsampler. In neither case have I heard much of an improvement, if any, in newer models.

I have no idea what the reason for the fictitious dealer was, but I know many of the dealers and they are quite real. I doubt seriously that this is the totality of your questions about the H-Cat, however.

You know that my philosophy is merely to tell of my personal experiences with components. If you or others listen and don't agree it does not bother me. If you question the integrity of people that I know to be good people I will not ignore it. Nor will I ignore dismissing innovations as hype when I know them not to be.

I am more interested in what people like Jeffrey above have to say than what you have to say, because he seems to listen more than pontificate.