Vincent SV-236MK

Just recently, I decided to upgrade my current Integrated amplifier which is a Vincent SV-236MK Tube Hybrid Integrated Amplifier purchased in 2009 for $1995.00 with a Luxman L-550AX which was $4990.00. Surprisingly, the Vincent SV-236MK sounded much better than the Luxman. I even purchased the top of the line Marantz integrated amplifier PM-11S3 and the Vincent SV-236MK sounded much better than the Marantz. The Vincent SV-236MK sounds warm,detailed and musical and has plenty of bass. The Luxman had no bass. I would like to purchase an integrated amplifier which sounds better than my Vincent SV-236MK but I haven't found one. Any suggestions? I have Bowers & Wilkins PM1s, Vincent SV-236MK, Marantz Reference Series NA-11S1 Network Audio Player and an OPPO BDP-105 Blu-ray Disc Player.
Dear Sirs,

I bought the SV-237mk version because of I was impressed by the  warmth, cosiness voices of it, it is my first tube (hybrid) amplifier. After a while I recognised the music from tube pre-amplifier is not enough detailed. (MK version had 6,3" jact to check pre-amplifier stage excluding room affect, power amplifier distorsion, etc). 

Tungsram 12AX7 (ECC83) old production tube helped lot replacing the Chinese 12AX7B, but warmth become moderate, Tungsram behaviour more FET amplifier like and more accurate, sounds like a different amplifier.

(I changed Russian 6N1P-EV tubes as well to Tungsram ECC85 for test, but no significant change plus they are in breaking-in period already, so early to judge)

If I listen my portable Cayin N5ii DAC with Sennheiser headset as reference, I found significantly more details in Cayin N5ii music despite the Tungsram 12AX7 tube in Vincent (using Cayin as source in this case).

Could you write some recommendation to change tubes to something other than Tungsram, please or is the less detailing a tube amplifier behaviour ?

I saw several forum member satisfied with  SV-237 (or SV-236), so you didn't found the same problem with detailing ? I like the characteristics of SV-237mk with original tube, just the detailed presentation e.g. in a guitar recording missing to my ears.

Did somebody listen the SA-T7 tube pre-amp ? What is your opinion, can it solve the detailing problem ? The technical specification is impressive, but opinion from a music expert could be fine, no listening room here to test.

(sorry if my English  sometimes a bit basic, but English forums are the best in these topics)

I am also very interested to see if the SA-T7 is a big upgrade on the 237.
Could be interesting to try it with the 332 power amp.

The Schiit Freya+ preamp I have is quite good. I am wondering if I should consider the 237 or keep the Freya and add the 332 power amp? The Freya+ really came on strong with the addition of a couple Sylvania black plate NOS 6SN7 tubes. any thoughts appreciated.