Elrog 300b vs we300b

I am looking for an upgrade to my elekit tu8600s. Currently have cossor black plates. I use the amp for my hd800s and zmf atticus. I am looking for more transparency, dynamics and a bigger stage. I am interested in a richer tone too so not sure which direction to go. Any thoughts?



No problem. As @sns pointed out, there's no 'right' tube that is going to satisfy everyone. As I wrote earlier, I've used  some  excellent 300bs. For my particular amplifier/audio system and ears the EML XLS has been ideal  for me.


Can the tube experts and aficionados comment? Might be relevant...

From a thread resurrected by @mozartfan circa 2003 and posted by @clueless 


"My limited experience so far is that drivers actually contribute a stronger sonic signature than the output tubes, which are pretty transparent if driven by a low enough source impedance and low distortion.  Arthur Loesch tracked me down at the CES a few years ago, and as we chatted and toured the rooms at the Alexis Park, he mentioned that most DHT's sound alike - if driven by a low enough source impedance and a powerful driver with *lots* of current. It's when they are driven by feeble 5-8mA driver tubes that the characteristic 45, 2A3, 300B, or 845 signature appears. In other words, you'll get loads of that 300B sound if all you're using is an RC-coupled 6SN7."
-  end quote Lynn Olson

Hey guys ended up ordering the Elrog 300Bs. Thank you very much for your input. I pray to the audio gods / tube gods (like Thomas Mayer) that I made the right choice.

@smodtactical there are no mistakes when choosing between EML, WE, Elrog or Tak....just different flavors of delicious.


I had first generation Elrogs that were beautiful sounding but unreliable.  I do believe that Thomas Mayer has corrected all the earlier issues.  I don't hear or read about failed tubes anymore. So I believe that you have  made an excellent choice and congratulations!
