Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



There's no current in the wire unless something is terribly wrong. So a light gauge is no worries.

Ah, no current then pretty much anything would work. I would use OCC copper personally. But silver would be fine.

Then why is the Entreq Atlantis cable $1600?

I have found an old description of one of their cables:

"Our top cables Apollo & Olympus are made of Silver, Cotton and Wood.
The silver conductors are twisted by our own developed system and then threated with high presure. This insure you will get best possible performance together with Entreq groundboxes. Simply, since they are developed by the same constructor for best performance. 1* 15 AWG conductor made by 4 different AWG´s twisted pure silver threads and threated with our high pressure process."


Try both. A 1600.00 ground cable is just too much. Not money, just stupid. Try both silver and copper, or any other. Make a good connection, which is ALWAYS a must with any ground and see which you prefer.