Architectural Digest finally shows audio gear!


I have two realtors send me listings of homes in my area to get a feel for real estate values in our area.  I usually look at several new listings per day and I have yet to see two speakers in a room.  No wonder why the dealers are hurting.  People must be allergic to music.

oldhvymec's avatarAg insider logo xs@2x
4,530 posts

Not impressed at all. I don't care for LA period. As far as stereo I've seen worse setups, when people have NO money much less all the money they ever needed. 

Why such a crappy set up. I use to like the bling, I feel like Mike Tyson after Buster left him lookin for his mouth piece. "What Happened"? :-)

For a "Music Man", something is missing in a VERY big way. 

The only thing I kinda liked was the exposed HVAC ducting, Everything including the weird chairs would have to go.

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I thought this was more Jay Z!!! I know he's a Compton CA guy, but we had El Pueblo in Pittsburg CA.
Very small neighborhood, One way in and NO WAY OUT..
Compton wanted to LOOK tough, El Pueblo really WAS.
1/2 of San Quentin population came from El Pueblo.  

The digs don't reflect a tough guy do they. At least a pair of boxing gloves on the wall and picture of James Dean. 

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Jay Z is Brooklyn born and raised, Left coast, Right coast same thing to me. The thing I like most about Jay Z is his wifes bottom. No need to beat around the bush.

That one would "make the rockin' world go round".


@oldhvymec comment uncalled for. The thread was started to show that an audio system made it in to Architectural Digest. 

WHAT audio system? You mean the speaker in the corner. OR Beyonce BOTTOM.

I’ll say when it’s called for buddy not you .. His DIGS suck! What and how does it reflect Jay Z music in ANY way..

I’m not the one who sell his spouse for millions of dollars for a private show in Timbuktu.. He is QUIT the promoter all right. I also don't sell bottom-LESS clothes either, She does.. Why not it's a nice bottom..

The office space on the other hand.. I’m sure it cost a lot, other than that, I have an old hat I like a lot better.




There was simply no need for comments about anyone’s appearance. I try not to participate in threads where things can go off the rails: politics, sexism, religion, etc. I initiated the thread merely to show that a system did make it in to Architectural Digest as I recall previous discussions of why weren’t systems ever depicted.


Its pretty clear in the photo that a dual mono Nagra stack and a turntable along with  Devore O96 speakers constitutes a serious system. I would imagine they moved speakers out of the way for a photo shoot but at least the system was pictured.


Your editorializing about Mr. Carter’s wife was unfortunate. Whether your opinion of the decor or the system quality is relevant or not isn’t out of line in the least. Just the sexist comments are. I look the other way though and give you the benefit of the doubt that your automatic assumption that he was from SoCentral LA/Compton because his fortune originated in Hip Hop or whether any mention of San Quentin was necessary in an archtectural thread. You seem like a great guy, youve worked hard, you have a passion for music and gear…I enjoy your frequent stream of consciousness posts…we are not on opposite sides of any issue of which I am aware. With that said, I don’t find sexism, even accidental sexism disguised as locker room banter, funny in the least and wish it had no place on Audiogon. Peace.