Music is a 2 way power...
Something that put all of us on a "spell"...A mass hypnosis tool...
A deceptive rapture of our mind and is a tool for control in all armies and publicities of the world for example...
But music is also a tool to heal us like any drug who comes from a poison or could be one if dose is not right, is designed to be a bliss and a "rapture" in heaven or toward spirit like in native people or religious ceremony... Or like used in therapeutic...Or written to elevate the brain OUT of itself like in Bach...
Money also is born like any poison, a destructive agent, but also a "pharmakon" a possible remedy...
Spin doctors, "eminence grise" plays on these two modalities for music like for money...
Fritz Lang probably never read Bernard Mandeville, but his Dr. Mabuse is a perfect allegory between the "nevrosis" of those under a spell and the "perversion" coming from those who look for controls...Like in Mandeville Hive allegory...
Art may be more powerful than Science...I repeat: Art MAY BE more powerful than science...
Because science is divided in many fields, and each fiels is divided in an indefinite number of skills and specialities...No scientist can create a synthesis , the price to pay is loosing his scientist status...The artist could and must, true art is always a SYMBOLIC SYNTHESIS, never only an entertainment or a provocation...
Knowledge is not science, science is not technology...
Art may integrate knowledge, science and technology sometimes revealing some aspects of their possible integration or contradictions.. Like a philosophy inspired by spirit can do it...Like some man also driven by a spiritual a scientis who is also an artist and a spiritual man...
A Swiss economist wrote a book about the relation between money and economy inspired by the Goethe Faust for example...
N. was right speaking of the spirit and the weight and unrecognized burden of the material possessions, but for N. what he call the owner of spirit MUST be read in these 2 way manner: the owner of the spirit could the master who control himself first but the master mind who can " fall" into the role of leading the mass with the deceptive offer of marketting illusions, with money, with a "spin" mass art who will put people to sleepwalking...These 2 way to understand N. put N. himself in an impossible doublebind situation at the end...
Religion is not the only opium, money is another one...N. seeing all the hypocrisy of religion putting man on a sleep and reading Darwin, thought that a man is free only when he liberate himself alone over his apeness : the ubermensch...But this freeing by oneself alone is also an illusion explained in Buddhism and in Christianity alike...Schopenhauer never FORGOT that lesson contrary to his disciple Nietszche...
N. after all was himself a genius under a spell....
Doistoievsky never was... Nor Goethe....