@dagda , It is an interesting speaker and with correction it is probably capable of a very nice image. Its very low bass is going to be very choppy. With the woofers going up to 550 Hz I would definitely want to cross over to subs at 100 Hz. This will clean up the midrange very noticeably. It is really only a partial open baffle speaker. From 550 up it is a horn speaker which is not a bad approach but there is going to be a change in imaging at 550 Hz. The walls behind the speaker should be deadened with acoustic tiles.
They are big speakers and at that point the Sound Labs 545 or 645 would be so much better. They present a unified sound field and will have a more stable image with better resolution of the third dimension. They still should be crossed over to subs. They will make bass but taking 100 Hz and down away from them improves everything from distortion to the image. You will never hear such balanced clarity anywhere else which is a pretty daring statement. But, I will stand by it.