Architectural Digest finally shows audio gear!


Again I don't care what you think.. Do you understand that. When I need YOU or anyone else on this planet to correct ME for my views of HER BOTTOM, or Quentin, I'll ask for it. I did NOT. She has a wonderful BOTTOM, you don't like my saying so TOUGH!!

It ain't gonna stop my opinion or the fact that EVERY chance she gets to shake that money maker she doses. For a lot of MONEY. The only thing that whole crowd cares about other than THEM not being the victim of their own spew.. IS MO MONEY. 

I'm pretty sure in a case, My opinion vs her bottom, 12 people would say, that her bottom use to be the talk of the town, still may be for all I know.. AND me saying so is exactly what the whole idea was, not her voice, HER BOTTOM. From what I remember she spent MOST of her time aiming that thing AT THE audience.

Sexism, who ever dreamed up that word. How do you think you got here someone let a rooster walk by and chicken lay an egg. Sexually oppressed what are you Vulcan or something, ONCE every 7 years..

As for any thing else I've EVER said that is none of you business either. BTW that goes 100% the other way too. 

His "Office and sound system" still SUCK for a music man.. Maybe you have as bad of taste as he does.

I gotta go out and castrate some goats. Slow ones first.. Come on over buddy, we'll bite off a few the old fashion way. You think you can hang? LOL

Next thing won't be able to talk about the Birds and the Bees, What the heck do you think the BLUES is all about? Makin' bread. I'm a Handsome Cave Man and don't forget it.. I act like one too.. So WHAT?




All I was trying to communicate is that this thread was about gear or architecture. There are plenty of threads where no one cares what gets posted. This isn’t one of those. 

Ok I get now. His place sucks for a music guy. Disregard the rest if you want, about her big ol BOTTOM. I consider it a work of art.. From an architecture point of view, I'd say it's pretty symmetrical. Definitely make a good model to chisel out of stone. I'd sure like a full size sculpture. Come through my front door that is what I would get to see. I'll take one for every room.. :-)


Thanks for posting the article. It’s great to see equipment shown in architectural magazines. Most of the time the staging process for photography removes any electronic equipment. As you know, the majority of stereo components do not have a design language and will get removed. 

I made the mistake in a older discussion stating that I consider the how a component looks also to be important to me. That did not go over well with some people.