Accustic Arts

Does anybody have any experience with the new Drive 1-MK2 and the DAC 1-MK4? Your opinions please.

The Oracle turntable has already been one since 20 years ago, so the good looks should be handled down to a member of the family. Just wondering what's the price differential of a 2000 transport over the Accustic Art's, US$2000?

With regard to the Boston CD Stabilizer, methinks it weighs lighter than a CD, so no problem with the weight. The only downside I find with using the CD stabilizer with the AA transport is that centering the AA puck with the added thickness (Boston CD stabilizer is recessed to 0.5mm at centre) is more difficult as the protruding centering pin of the puck is not long enough to autolocate the centering hole of transport. I have to literally feel by touch that it is centred by wobbling the puck; if only the protruding pin was just a mere bit longer. But for the improvement such a simple device brings about, I guess a little inconvenience is worth it.
Hotbird if you look at suggested list the "AA" $6500.00 and the Oracle around $8500.00 but when it actually comes to purchasing the "AA" for some reason is heavily discounted more so then the Oracle.

Regarding the mats that are being referred to here, the actual pin on the "AA" is short so I would be careful which mat you use because it would not be a pretty sight if while spinning comes off.

I am wondering who is aware that there are two versions of the "AA" because no one has ever mentioned this. The way you can tell is by the remote, if your remote is straight at the front end when aiming at your "AA" and rounded at the bottom end (other end) then you have the latest "AA" TRANSPORT.

Just like other companies out there they make minor changes and do not say anything, my ARC Ref3 for example; the current one has different caps and the actual tubes are different, they did not tell people right up front along with they did not recall the unit a MK2 version.(people who know, some prefer the older version saying it sounds better and some say the newer version is better)

This actually bothers me, I believe manufactures should make it known if they make any changes. If it's a remote who cares but when they start making changes within the unit the end user should be made aware of this, come on changing caps and actual tubes defiantly makes a difference in the sound.

I personally have knowledge of this because I had some issues when I bought my new "AA" transport, two bad ones and one good. First unit I received the plunger button too stop the disc was defective, it would stay in when you pushed it so you would now not be able to listen to music, also would not play some disc's and lastly while playing would just stop. The second unit I received brand new, the actual Philips cd transport was not secured and the screws were loose within the unit, I couldn't believe it. The last unit was perfect, no problems what so ever. The first unit had the straight remote with fairly sharp edges, did not get that far to check the second unit but the last one I received had one end rounded and the actual sharp edges were removed. I have to say I was really frustrated at the time but I was taken care of so that made me feel much better. The information that I received was there were some changes within the actual unit along with a brand new remote design. I didn't really dig any further to find out because this all seems to be kept as a secret just like other manufactures do. There a name they call it but for some reason I just can't remember what it is.
Dev, I think you are an unreliable source for this. We have no idea how you got the three Accustic Arts unit, such as whether they were gray market items, or even current models. You note some quality control issues while no one else has said anything about this. You note slight difference in the three remotes which may indicate nothing about the Drive Ones at all. My remote is what you would characterize as the latest version.

Your ears are no substitute for mine, so where I given an opportunity to compare the Oracle and the Drive One, I would certainly listen, but I have no interest in seeking this opportunity. I am, however, actively seeking to hear the Memory Player with it dac versus the AA.
Tbg, what a statement to make. You are a bit of a .... for making such and further to suggest that I buy grey market is absolutely not true, I have the finances and don't have to do so.

These were bought from a reliable dealer KR Audio (Alfred)and that is why the defective ones got replaced da!

I obviously bought a new unit and it had problems da! and then received another one with issues da! and finally got one with no problems.

I am giving information that I have either personally experienced and or received just like the H-CAT supposive dealer in my area that does not exist.

In closing Tbg I don't care what you have to say but to make statements as such are best to keep to your self, you obviously have personal issues, this all comes from a guy with what a H-CAT pre, please.

Obviously other members would like to know that is why I get emails asking me to post my findings.

Oh an just so everyone knows I did get to findly hear a H-CAT pre., not in my system but in some one else's, please it's a joke! would you like the serial number? I wasn't going to say anything but Tbg you seem to want to get into a pissing match so your system please if you have it in it.
Dev, thanks for the additional information. I would have to assume that were what you have said true, that KR Audio would have substantial issues with the Importer.

I would suggest that I have alerted others to your irrational evaluations, namely that you opinions are based on other than what others might hear. My example is the H-Cat. Others' very favorable reactions are but small testimony that either you cannot hear or that you have not heard anything you claim. And Dev I would indeed like to know the serial number as I don't in the least believe you.

I would only suggest to everyone that they give Dev's opinions their proper weight. Listen for yourselves.