Accustic Arts

Does anybody have any experience with the new Drive 1-MK2 and the DAC 1-MK4? Your opinions please.

Tbg, what a statement to make. You are a bit of a .... for making such and further to suggest that I buy grey market is absolutely not true, I have the finances and don't have to do so.

These were bought from a reliable dealer KR Audio (Alfred)and that is why the defective ones got replaced da!

I obviously bought a new unit and it had problems da! and then received another one with issues da! and finally got one with no problems.

I am giving information that I have either personally experienced and or received just like the H-CAT supposive dealer in my area that does not exist.

In closing Tbg I don't care what you have to say but to make statements as such are best to keep to your self, you obviously have personal issues, this all comes from a guy with what a H-CAT pre, please.

Obviously other members would like to know that is why I get emails asking me to post my findings.

Oh an just so everyone knows I did get to findly hear a H-CAT pre., not in my system but in some one else's, please it's a joke! would you like the serial number? I wasn't going to say anything but Tbg you seem to want to get into a pissing match so your system please if you have it in it.
Dev, thanks for the additional information. I would have to assume that were what you have said true, that KR Audio would have substantial issues with the Importer.

I would suggest that I have alerted others to your irrational evaluations, namely that you opinions are based on other than what others might hear. My example is the H-Cat. Others' very favorable reactions are but small testimony that either you cannot hear or that you have not heard anything you claim. And Dev I would indeed like to know the serial number as I don't in the least believe you.

I would only suggest to everyone that they give Dev's opinions their proper weight. Listen for yourselves.
Pin may be short, but no danger of it spinning off-course.
The pucks magnet is quite strong and pins it down to the other side, so I have no worries. As mentioned earlier, the Boston Mat is 1mm thick a the sides, but 0.5mm in the recessed middle, so there is still enough room for the centering pin to locate the centering hole, although a bit more like 0.5mm would have made it easier.
So looks like in reality the Oracle2000 transport is quite a lot more expensive to make the switch. So for those who cannot afford the jump, do try the Boston Mat with the transport first, it's a no-brainer upgrade to the sonics ;-)
I think you've nailed it.

Any slob with money can buy expensive gear but money can't buy good ears.

Unfortunately these forums are filled with self appointed experts who talk a good game but really don't have a clue.

Tbg you are a unique individual and I have read other threads by you which show the type of individual you really are, "very negative". I picture you a person who is mad at the world sitting there with a hearing aid in one ear and constantly tapping on it while trying to listen to your radio shack set-up.

Just for example you can't even get your facts straight, you should re-read my prior thread very slowly and maybe a couple of times so that when you respond you get your facts correct.

For example; where do I say three remotes are different?

I was actually over at the persons place yesterday (reviewer) who has the H-CAT to get the serial number and post it but was asked not to. Tbg refers to all these so called happy H-CAT owners please, what your right and left hand? Go and check out the so called H-CAT thread and read the threads left along with the negativity, they speak for them self's. I wonder why when I went to the reviewers place that the unit was sitting off to the side and not hooked-up, it's that good, the reviewer doesn't even like it either. If it is all that where are the glowing reviews? is there even one posted yet? How many years has H-CAT been out for and no reviews.

Tbg you are correct about one thing everything I put in my threads are my opinions da! aren't yours and everyone else's?

Yes you should indeed always listen for yourself but these threads are for us to communicate our own personal experience's and I guess that is why I have made so many friends and constantly get emails asking for my thoughts and if you read my feedback on gear bought and sold it is so positive.

Tbg so I assume by your sarcasm that my list of gear that I own (which is not my main set-up)and posted in this thread in your expert opinion is not up to par please! get a life!

The "AA" gear is great product that is why I still have the "AA" dac, I am really impressed with it but I personally prefer the Oracle 2000 transport with it.

I am really enjoying the Virtual Dynamic speaker cables.
The Stealth Indra is marvelous!

I'm have never said go out and buy a 2000 prior to listening but if you are a "AA" dac owner you should get one to demo but be prepared to part with some money.

Regarding the mats, I bought the latest Marigo Signature Version 2 to see what they are all about, one side is green and the other gold. I don't have a comment as of yet but only wanted people to be careful and hopefully Hotbird is correct.