Raven Audio and Beyond...

I'm hearing from a couple of you all about the RavenAudio product line.
I'm fairly new into listening/building a system for audio.
My current plan/aim is to build components for "rest of life" usage.  I'm not well to do and am looking into the Nighthawk and Blackhawk integrated tube amps.  
Currently, I have a Bifrost 2 Dac, Rega P2 turntable and Dynaudio X14s running out a cheap integrated Pioneer tuner/amplifier.
As I've been considering my next couple moves, Integrated Amp and upgrade in speakers, I bounce between the "first" move being either amp or speakers.
Lots of folks mention speakers first, rest after.  Since I appreciate the X14s for the limited sound, I wonder what kind of sense it makes to bump up the amp, integrate a couple subs and seek the "finish" speakers next.  After that, play with the rest of the components.

Currently, the room we listen to music in is 12' by 25', open frame ceilings that are 8.5' high.  

My questions are this:
What's your take on taking on the amplifier first, and setting up the rest after?
Am I going to notice the X14s responding well enough to help me learn more about the direction of my speaker choice later?

If I have some time before I can fully upgrade the speakers, would integrating a sub amp with the subs be a positive move?

FWIW, I plan to keep the x14s and other requisite equipment for the most part to set up/gift to others as I can.  I am interested in long-term enjoyment for music I love and a love for exploring music yet to be heard.

Thank you


Absolutely no worries whatsoever @mijale 

What I find disconcerting about your post being that I rather suspect that you know very fine and well that your speakers of choice are not a suitable match for a 20 Watt stereo amplifier yet you appear to allow yourself to be enchanted in the BS peddled by MC that ( for reasons an enquiring mind may speculate upon)  

Kids think you all may be interested in a YT video that should hit on 1/1/22 by @upscaleaudio. Kevin is going to do a detailed comparison on Raven and Prima Luna.

Now I know this may not be in the context of the OP but it may give some insight to the build quality of the Raven vs PL.

I have no dog in this fight but the video may be enlightening or a bust?

Another thing to know is that the Raven includes an on board high pass filter to the mains set at 80 hz.  This would provide quite a boost in available power to your x14s that are not "full range" speakers.  Then pair an affordable sub or two.  Which BTW would have likely helped all along.

@tsushima1 you have to realize this thread is more about validation of a preconceived idea. You’re simply wasting your time trying to shine a light on reality … ie 20 watts are 20 watts. Heck they’re not even pure class A tube watts. If someone wants to sacrifice excellent speakers from a well respected manufacturer at the altar of flea watt amps there’s not much you can do. Sometimes the best way to learn is the hard way. So hail Raven Audio! Best amp regardless of price.

there”s an excellent discussion from a few months ago where the gentleman bought a Blackhawk to drive his not-so-efficient speakers. Everyone tried to tell him that 20 watts are 20 watts no matter what someone says. He bought it, realized his mistake and moved on to a solid state amp pretty quickly.