What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?

When making changes or adding things to your system, what makes the bigger difference in sound quality on preamp‘s and power amps? Interconnects, speaker cables, power cords, or fuses?


@ted_denney Ted, since you framed the question to cover all the products Synergistic Research sells, I can tell you that the Shunyata cables and power distribution devices I recently purchased made a significant SQ improvement over your cables and PowerCell device, especially for my dCS Rossini DAC/Streamer. 

It is very disappointing how many people didn’t read OP’s question and answer in a constructive fashion which of those 4 items made the biggest difference for amps and preamps. 

To my ears, I would have to say that going from stock power cords to a nice one like the Audience Power Chord, or one of Morrow's line on the power amp made an audible difference in the tightness and presence of the bass.  Speaker cables made a difference as well, audible but subtle, more in the high end of the treble. For me, IC's made the smallest difference.  But YMMV, since I don't have "golden ears" anymore, unlike some of you folks . . .