Classical Music for Aficionados

I would like to start a thread, similar to Orpheus’ jazz site, for lovers of classical music.
I will list some of my favorite recordings, CDs as well as LP’s. While good sound is not a prime requisite, it will be a consideration.
  Classical music lovers please feel free to add to my lists.
Discussion of musical and recording issues will be welcome.

I’ll start with a list of CDs.  Records to follow in a later post.

Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique.  Chesky  — Royal Phil. Orch.  Freccia, conductor.
Mahler:  Des Knaben Wunderhorn.  Vanguard Classics — Vienna Festival Orch. Prohaska, conductor.
Prokofiev:  Scythian Suite et. al.  DG  — Chicago Symphony  Abbado, conductor.
Brahms: Symphony #1.  Chesky — London Symph. Orch.  Horenstein, conductor.
Stravinsky: L’Histoire du Soldat. HDTT — Ars Nova.  Mandell, conductor.
Rachmaninoff: Symphonic Dances. Analogue Productions. — Dallas Symph Orch. Johanos, cond.
Respighi: Roman Festivals et. al. Chesky — Royal Phil. Orch. Freccia, conductor.

All of the above happen to be great sounding recordings, but, as I said, sonics is not a prerequisite.


Well, you have the Greatest name possible so you should get the best in music as well. Let me know good or bad .

Happy New Year !

@jim5559 - this warmed my heart like none other in any forum. :-)

Happy New Year to you as well; and I will let you know what I think after I sit down to listen (with a glass of wine [or whiskey!] in my hand).  Cheers!

Does anyone know if a GoldenearTriton7 is good on Classical?

I have a chance to buy a pr for 600$ .6 months old.

It;s a death , I The wife knows what he paid for but 600$ for me is 6 bucks to her. and I ain’t poor .


I have just have been lucky enough  to hear the live steam of the Berlin Symphony

on the every year 31st.

1. Bruch Vn 1 ,  Beautiful , one could ask for no more ,Jenine Jansan.

I could say the Berliners could turn on a dime , but I would have to cut the dime in half first,.

2, The ""Firebird Suite"" ,   I felt a bit strange ,what's going on here.

Got to the point where I got up and paced around the room.

A lighting bolt struck me , without a sole , the Berliner's, to my brain ,have no musicians , The music itself sang for itself more than the Greatest Diva ever could .

At that time in that music Berlin had THE Greatest Orchestra in the World .!

3. Revel ,La  Waltz ,  Same as Firebird with less power as you would expect.


Perhaps , I  just figured out how to listen after x decades .

Honest . They were seamless !

And their conducer was not there as ,of yesterday the virus struck him