Can recommend some non-fatigue SMALL bookshelf for near-field listening?

Hi guys,

I have been searching for a pair of small passive speakers for near-field listening for a long long time. Ideally, something with <27 cm depth would be a great fit. A relaxed/non-fatigue/good bass sound would be preferred. 

I tried these.

B&W 607s2 -- currently using -- can be aggressive/bright quite often

Dynaudio Evoke 10 --- pronounced at 2-5 kHz, sounds thin to me.

LS 50 meta ---- bass a bit tide... need some volume to sound good.


Can you guys recommend some other speakers that can do the job? What about Mission QX1 MkII or Wharfedale Denton 80? My amp is Nad c275bee with a Schiit freya+ preamp.  Thanks a lot guys!






Seek out a pair of Proac 1SC on the used market. Smooth, detailed, 3-D and easy to drive with a small tube amp. Totally immersive , non fatiging sound.

I was going to suggest the Buchardt A500 since you can't have a subwoofer and want bass.  But your budget and available room for speakers are mutually exclusive to your performance goals. 

Within your budget, sacrificing deep bass, check out the Vienna Acoustics Haydn or the Harbeth P3ESR.  You might be able to squeeze a small subwoofer in somewhere later on.  Perhaps something tiny like the KEF KC62.

i would agree that fritz's standmounts are excellent sounding, faitgue free and a good value