Which DAC for $1K?Benchmark?Perpetual?????

Have a Sony 333 carousell and soimetimes think I should just bite bullit and get better player.Seems like the $3K Sony SACD players can be gotten with a discount and offer really good perfomance.But have also thought about a DAC at cheaper price point and wondering which one offers best bet.Seems like Stereophile and perhaps others have given nod to Benchmark for $1K.But there is also the older Perpetual combo and one can geta modwright modded combo used for $800.

Have thought if a Muiscal Fidelity or Eletrocompaniet (sic) ECD-1 was worth extra outlay and got me that much more than another $500 in sound I could up the anty.Not only thinking of myself but also for buddy who is loathe to give up his multi kilo buck two box Proceed from early 90's as a player but knows he is getting 16/44 and no upsmaplking etc.It works well but we have kicked idea around of adding new processor.So with abut a grand what would you choose?
Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista Dac or an Electrocompaniet ECD-1 would b be excellent choices. Both sound much better than the Benchmark to me.

Good luck!

Anyone with experience with the much cheaper Chinese DACs such as Musiland MD-10 or Zhaolu 2.5? These seem to be quite popular over at head-fi forums, and most head-to-head reviews over there find these to sound better than the Benchmark Media DAC-1 or the Lavry similar offering.
What would be the purpose of puchasing the Electrocompaniet DAC and not the CD player itself? It seems that for only about $500 more on the used market you could get the one box solution, no? Just wondering if there are any downsides here...