Turntable Rumble/Feedback

Hi All,

I have the following set-up:

Nakamichi Pre-amp

Krell FPB 600

Velodyne ULD-15 Sub

JVC PL-50 Turntable with Grace tone arm and Audio Technica Cartridge

Carver Amazing Speakers

I have been trying to unsuccessfully eliminate a low frequency audible feedback when attempting to play vinyl. If I turn the sub off completely I can play a record, but really no bottom end. The Velodyne servo control has a low pass filter that I think cuts at 85 hz before getting to the Krell. With the sub on, I can play very low volume. Turning the volume up causes an audible rumble that gets louder in a feedback loop.

I originally had the table on top of a rickety old component rack and figured that was a large contributor. I had racket balls cut in half under two layers of MDF and also a set of springs under the table feet to no avail.

I received a Pangea Vulcan rack for Christmas and filled the tubes with layers of wax, sand and wax to try to add damping and assembled it tightly. Just took it for a test spin and same result. I previously had a set of Vandersteen’s hooked up which behaved the same way in terms of feedback.

The sub is sitting on a layer of MDF that has Sorbothane feet under it. The rack and Carvers are sitting on a hardwood floor. The sub is only about five feet from the rack.

So, I’m looking for advice on how to eliminate this rumble/feedback. I read in another post about using a KAB RF-1 filter, but not sure it will work as appears the application is for woofer pumping subsonic. Was also thinking about a mat below the turntable, but not sure if that will help as if I tap on the Pangea shelf I am not hearing it through the speakers.

As a final note, the problem occurs not only when playing vinyl but also if the turntable is off and the needle is fist sitting in the groove, so should not be motor noise. Thanks in advance for any advice here!



Post removed 

Hi Abery, I meant to include that in my original post. I did remove the dust cover and the hinges are attached to it. Maybe slightly more volume before the feedback kicks in. Thanks!

Some JVC turntables have a fairly thin plinth top that seems to pick up vibrations from music playing. Here is a link I started awhile back for JVC TT owners.


There is some talk of filling the underneith of the plinth with modeling clay to dampen the plinth.

For some reason I could not edit my post. Anyway, I have a set of Carver Platinum Amazings, the 4 bass speakers in those panels are open in the back so a lot of bass is being projected rearward. Might not be helping you any.

