Replicant 100 stylus

My ''general statement'' that styli are produced by either Ogura or Namiki

may need correction.

Some friends of my ''discovered'' that Replicant (Ortofon), Decca and

''Expert stylus'' are the same. As is/was the case with Gyger and

Van den Hul. Van den Hul designed Gyeger I, II and S (?) but

Gyger produced them. This was obviously kept secret for commercial


My assertion is that Expert stylus (Paratrace) provide them to the

other mentioned.

Is anybody capable to check this information?



When I posted my second cart , Magic diamond, to Mr. Hodgson ,

the owner and engineer by ''Expert stylus'' I told him the story

about Reto Andreoli who at age of 15 moved to Australia with

intention to learn the trade by brothers Garrott. To my big surprise

I got an long email from him and learned that the mentioned

brothers were his good friends in UK. They obviously started their

''repair service'' in UK but moved to Australia hoping for more

success. In this sense they were his competitors so he refused 

to provide them with his PARATRACE styli.So even back than

Mr. Hodgson was able to get those, say, Replicant. What is more

he is also good friend with the person who produce London Decca

which  also use Peratrace stylus in his cantilverless design.

In Holland small and family companies earn 70% of national income.

My guess is that whomever produces those  Replicant does this

exclusive for Ortofon, Decca and Mr. Hodgson. My earlier guess

was that ''Expert stylus'' produces them but this is negated by dover

who mentioned production in Ireland.This may explain the fact that

Replicant is not available in general? 

They obviously started their ’’repair service’’ in UK but moved to Australia hoping for more success. In this sense they were his competitors so he refused to provide them with his PARATRACE styli.

Unfortunately the audio forums are full of bs.

John & Brian Garrott were as Australian as Pavlova and Marmite. They were born in Tasmania.

They were in the UK briefly on holiday in 1967 and although they rebuilt cartridges as a hobby, they were never in business in the UK.

Up until the early 70’s John was an Accountant and Brian was a Pharmacist. They started their cartridge business later in their home country of Australia in the mid to late 1970’s. They were never in business in the UK.


dover, imagine me being your visitor in N, Zeeland and you offering

to me only an half glass of your excellent wine. That is how I feel with

your info about origin of Replicant .

Yes that is correct.

Some our New Zealand red wines are world class. Unless you decant them, best to serve half a glass to maximise the surface area and let it aerate.

Of course if I was serving you a cheap Dalmation Red, then indeed I would give you a full glass, on the basis that by the third or fourth glass it might be more palatable.



Post removed 

Dear dover, I told the story as I heard from Mr. Hodgson. I had no idea 

about his relationship with Garrott brothers . I was interested and

still am about Andreoli. Now regarding your ''bs''.

I have next to my Russian- also an American brother with whom I

have daily correspondence (Don Griffith). His story you can probably

deny or confirm. The story is that people posted their in Japan bought

Koetsus direct to Garrott brothers for their ''retips''. Aka ''not rebuild''

or ''refreshment''. Considering the fact that I am fighting for ,uh, retip

recognition with the argument that there is no such thing as ''original

styli'' but that (nearly) all are produced by either Ogura or Namiki 

which are the real ''origine'' of styli used by manufacturer as well


Now regarding your ''magnanimous'' invitation for an half glass of

wine I don't believe that this is attractive proposition for me because

I can buy for 15 euro either excellent Italian as well French wine.

Anyway you made ''retips'' as well ''rebuild'' + ''refreshment'' of

carts superfluous by your discovery and praise of Denon 103 D

for $ 280. The only thing ''uncertain'' in the context of this thread

is which stylus is ''build in''?