Big Below 15k used that can play loud as heck

I moved into a way larger room, roughly 20x24 and the 802D’s just ain’t cutting the mustard. Looking for good options that can pound out bass in a large room with 500-1000 high end watts (pass or levinson etc)

Currently running 2 JL Fathom F113’s so it’s not low bass, it’s a speaker that can pump concert level music playing rap, hip hop, reggae, rock and classical/audiophile stuff  etc. but I need my rig to blast rap and hiphop impressively more than anything. 


(...Jim assumes that, at the levels desired, that one can stand still...*L*)

There are less expensive ways to decimate sheetrock, but voting with the 'pro' purposer's...  Eriks' down with your concept, but Jim (again, +) is pointing out that the levels targeted begin to turn the space into a larger version of the interior of a really large cabinet....

"Lets' get F'd up and watch the pressure waves blow the dust bunnies airborne!"

Cruise the used at the pro outlets....Behringer with a soft spot for Crown amps myself, but If I go big I'm wearing muffs to keep what's left.

Sounds like good clean fun to me, tho'....👍  Go forth and froth... 

@oldhvymec ...when the db's rise, do the neighbors run towards, or away? :)


No 'bots harmed in this production.
'Bots on workbench are fair game.

In my loud years, I had a pair of Vega D9’s bottom, and at15’s stacked in d’oppolito , the sound was amazing, 


 melted the binding posts on the amp.

since then never gone below 250-300WPC RMS!

CURrently have 650 WPC amps to a small 250 w rated towers, the effortless sound is perfect!

I have a pair of tekton moab and svs sb16ultra sub driven by mcintosh mc462. When I play that kind of music with no eq  there is so much bass I worry about damaging my house.

You guys keep talkin’ about horns. @systembuilder I think your dB readings are off. You mean 100 dB or above.

That is the way to go for sure. The car that goes by and shakes your house is not what you want. I have had subs for 20 years. My son and I used to love it when we could shake the walls with Welcome to the Machine. He came home one time and said I have to play loud rap to get any bass. I said no, listen. I had put some improvements in place since last time he was there. Better streaming but the springs under the subs and speakers cleaned up a lot of problems. Now you can feel the wave of music go by me. I can walk the entire room and the sound is nearly the same. AND the rest of the house doesn’t shake anymore. Talk about standing waves! I was going to buy some more bass traps but the springs fixed a lot of the problems.

Anyway, you can spend SO much but you have the subs. Set them at 80-100 HZ crossover point. Klipsch Cornwall, LaScala, Klipschorn, will all play about greater than 115 dB with a not very big amp. I would not put a tube setup in your case. I use a pass XA25 and it will play louder than most want even with a passive preamp. I don’t think it will do 120 dB but I don’t care. If you like to tinker around, buy some used Klipsch and put some nicer parts in the crossover and you will really have something. Even new Klipschorns are in your budget! The subs make the Klipsch sound better. Less load on your main amp. I would not go out any buy a mega amp. A Pass X150.8 would not even sweat. It was the B&W that were robbing your power. I do have a 500W at 4 ohm amp on the subs. Obviously there are other choices besides Klipsch but they are readily available and will take the beating. Volti Rival and the Legacy would be good choices as well(high quality parts and sound) The big Dunlavy are great but are getting old. I don’t know about parts. Have fun! I am in Midwest if you are nearby. I have all the Kanye, Dr. Dre, Kendrick, Drake, Tyler the Creator you could ask for.  Zhu can put those people to shame if he puts his mind to it.