Audiogon resolutions for 2022 - #1 less exaggeration when it comes to system changes

I enjoy the information presented on Audiogon, especially when posters talk about minor changes (or tweaks, which is a word I don't really like) to their system. (I also like the comedy). The problem is when everything is SUPER IMPORTANT and impactful, nothing is, relatively speaking.

I propose we institute a new scale for system changes (or even specific individual component upgrades) similar to how used records are graded. Here goes the grading system:

A - heard a strikingly positive, noticeable change as soon as the stylus hit the record

B - heard a positive change as soon as the stylus hit the record

C - hear an audible, minor change as soon as the stylus hit the record

D - was able to hear an easily noticeable improvement when comparing back and forth to previous state

E - was able top hear an improvement over previous state comparing back & forth

F - when listening intensely and comparing, was able to hear a slight improvement versus previous state

G - when comparing was barely able to hear an improvement 

#2 - keep all political opinions off Audiogon, we can hear enough of the garbage all over the place

Whaddya think?



When you propose a solution, be sure to take a close look at 

why a given situation exists.  4k put it quite succinctly. 

If you read Agon to learn new info, that is great but you

will need a pretty amazing mind to decipher the noise from

the grail. If you read it for a pastime  join the party.

I guess the placebo effect, as often berated, does however contribute to the enjoyment. If it makes you feel better why not keep taking the placebo, in the case of listening to audio it has no negative effect. I think it's like vinyl any measurement or analyses show conclusively it is a technically inferior medium, however if you like it it sounds just great.

@noromance , any bottle of wine unshared when emptied will may one feel ’phenomenal’; whether it’s good or bad will depend on how many of them.... ;}

A PSA Moment:

If you’re currently driving after drinking and reading this:

You’re a bigger fool than I am.

(Courtesy of the Random Road Hazard Removal Division)

@nonoise ...Doubtful, Costco does big trade w/screens and ’puters, so ’good typical’ is about the best you’ll get. If we see a Kirkland KC-7.1 anything, it’d be a lark for the founder or such...Kyocera, back when, comes to mind...

I suggest a couple less categories to make them easier to remember:

++ Everyone clearly hears an improvement

+ Only the one who paid for it hears a difference

o No one hears a difference

- The sound deteriorated

Then to describe the sound at least 5 terms from the audiophile reviewers glossary have to be used.

OP, bravo for coming up with this scale. I like it and will try it out. 
You're working out ways to express gradations of improvement.
That keeps us organized in terms of expressing degree of change. Helpul!
Also need to stay organized about:
(a) what specifically we are listening *for* (treble, bass, overall sound, how voices sound, pace, etc.) Here the vocabulary list from Stereophile is very helpful.
(b) What other biases might be at work in our process — mood, time of day, money spent, recording, etc.

Cross referencing the scale of gradations you've listed plus (a) and (b) creates a good way of keeping ourselves organized to make judgments. I'd love to see a scoresheet with all these factors in it.

Because this kind of task is complex — and room and ear and taste dependent, to boot — there's virtually no way to compare what we hear with what others hear, with any fine-grained accuracy. 

Still, if they're in our room with us, and a number of factors above are controlled for, we can find common ground. Lots of people stand in front of paintings in museums agreeing about shared observations. No reason it cannot happen with sound.