What is the best speaker cable for Wilson Sabrina X?

I am using 211 tube amp and doing well with Wilson Sabrina X and I would like to know if there is any best speaker cables for Sabrina X? Perhaps Transparent? or Jorma Design?  Any recommendations is appreciated

When I bought my Sabrinas (non-X), I grabbed a pair of Nordost Red Dawns because I needed spades for those speakers.  I was moving into a league (ARC+Wilson) that was arrogant enough to insist on spades.  And those speakers sounded glorious when finally installed.  Freakin' glorious.  Fast forward a few months and the thought wafted into my brain that "these cables may be a smidge edgy to my ear, in my room, with my sources and amps, etc etc."  I replaced them with Shunyata Alphas.  (And then a pandemic hit ... and ... lockdown ... and more speakers and cables and cartridges and ... but that's not what you asked).  I've since used various Shunyatas with various Wilsons, currently using the Sigma V2 with Alexia 2s.  And I've infrequently tried other speaker cables.  I really like the Shunyata sound.  Some cables you mentally classify as edgy, or too hyper, or too relaxed, or muddy, or dense, or thin, or whatever.  The word I like for Shunyata is "open."  As in the proverbial open window/door.  Totally chill dude, just holding the door open.  No bling, no colors .. big strong undistracted dude holding a door open.  That kinda thing.


But this is like one chef asking another which bespoke, batch-made, impossible to find, made-in-Brooklyn olive oil she likes to use.  Big picture, those Sabrinas will sound killer with lampcord.

No single correct answer other than those who own the Sabrinas with similar gear.

I have older Sashas with Silversmith Fideliums. Apples and oranges I presume.

I can't believe all the Nordost recommendations, awful awful choice. I own Wilsons and wouldn't recommend those cables to my enemy on these speakers. Entirely too accurate. 


Call Dave at Zenwave audio he's making some of the best cables next to Siltech for the money, similar if not same or better sound. And Siltch would be my recommendation of cost no object for Wilsons.