Replicant 100 stylus

My ''general statement'' that styli are produced by either Ogura or Namiki

may need correction.

Some friends of my ''discovered'' that Replicant (Ortofon), Decca and

''Expert stylus'' are the same. As is/was the case with Gyger and

Van den Hul. Van den Hul designed Gyeger I, II and S (?) but

Gyger produced them. This was obviously kept secret for commercial


My assertion is that Expert stylus (Paratrace) provide them to the

other mentioned.

Is anybody capable to check this information?



Replicant 100 is the description used by Ortofon for their highest level stylus. In the techno babble accompanying the models equipped with Replicant 100 is says this was designed in collaboration with Gyger, suggesting Ortofon had a hand in the final shape. The same is said about the very similar Ortoline stylus used in MC 7500. This a probably why the name Replicant 100 is used exclusively by Ortofon, although it was made by Gyger. Usually such an arrangement excludes the maker to supply this stylus to other brands. Yet I have a first edition Benz LP that has the exact same stylus/cantilever as Ortofon A90, A95 and Anna. It seems likely that Gyger supplied it to Benz, but it was not called Replicant 100. The later LP (with the bronze body parts) used a micro ridge. The stylus change was of course described as an improvement, but perhaps this also had contractual reasons. 

This provides no answer to who’s making this stylus now, since Gyger is said to be out of business, but I have low knowledge levels 😁

pinda, you made my day. I had no idea about your level for humour.

But in order to value high kind one need to have some other level;

higher kind.


According to my (American) brother Don, Dover may be right. Alas as

is the case with his wine he delivered only half work. The explanation

by Don is low wage countries in the context of labor- intensity. Diamond,

you know is very hard material and difficult to ,uh, work with. Hence

removal to Ireland. Whoever was in Switzerland and was confronted

with their prices will also understand why Gyger is out of production. 

Thanks You @nandric its not all Tunnel Vision only, during my allowance of time to be intentionally shared in harmony, at the small space I am occupying on my journey on our wonderful planet.   

@Yeti42. The following is a selection of quite recently posted information about he services that are offering a FGS Styli. The one referring to NWA is very recent.

 I had my DL103M done by Dom at NWA - ' North West Analogue' - (DCS cantilever with FGS tip) and the service and quality of work is excellent.
Sounds awesome too so fully recommend.

Goldring are also reported to offer a 'retip' service offering the FGS

The link to Lenco Heaven will also show the 'retip' rebuild service from needlestein, where the FGS has been used. This service is based in the Location: West Hartford, CT

I'm sure a few more options might surface as well from the USA side of the pond.
